Some pics...




And few more...

What a mess! It does look like some sort of parking heater, but it's hard to tell from the pics. I can see 4 pipes. Assuming 2 are part of the cooling system. Where do the other 2 go? If they just run to the outside, that would suggest exhaust and intake. If it's a parking heater, there will also be a connection to the fuel system.
Have you tried gravity feeding the pump with fuel so no risk or air bubble, again I think the install has to be really bad for this to be a problem, the eberspacher site has install instructions

My test rig was ideal with the pump above the tank to clear any air bubbles. Bled the fuel lines and operated the fuel pump manually until it was squirting clear. Same with the water pump, cleared the air pocket and had it circulating water strongly in a 20l tub. Good strong battery. It's been months since I touched any of this but one thing I remembered is that I've replaced my multimeter as the old one became faulty. On re-measuring the glow plug, it's very slightly out of tolerance at .7 ohm from the recommended 0.3 to 0.6, so I guess it's probably the glow plug. Just need to find somewhere I can order one on it's own without the whole burner unit!
Biggest pipes come straight from engine bay through bulkhead, across passenger footwell and into the heater. I assume they are the pipes that would have ran into the heater box. The rest...haven't a clue yet as was getting too dark to check.
so a parking heater basically runs off your diesel without the trater on? lol nice

Yeah, there are a few versions.

Parking heater - this type heats the coolant and can also turn on blowers etc when coolant is up to temp. Can work on timers, remote etc, so car is nice and warm when you get in. They are also designed to be run with the engine to help boost coolant temp as quickly as possible. They normally have their own little electric water pump to circulate the coolant.

Aux heater - this type is just used to get the engine up to temp. Essentially the same as a parking heater but without the water pump. Often, they are coded to work with the electronics of specific cars, so can't run stand alone without modifications. Some are exactly the same as the parking heater versions and just need the addition of a water pump to act as a parking heater.

Air type - these blow hot air instead of heating the coolant. Good for heating big trucks, camping setups etc.
Biggest pipes come straight from engine bay through bulkhead, across passenger footwell and into the heater. I assume they are the pipes that would have ran into the heater box. The rest...haven't a clue yet as was getting too dark to check.

The more I look at it, the more convinced I am that it's a parking heater.

Good things to do would be:

1. Confirm you still have a normal heater box in the engine bay. A picture of your bulkhead would be good if your not sure.
2. Trace the coolant pipes to see exactly where they are connected.
3. Confirm if the unit has a fuel supply (it will be a small bore pipe, probably about 10mm outside diameter, nylon, rubber etc).
4. Trace the wiring. It will be simple, they only need a supply to function, all the complicated stuff is taken care of by the onboard PCB.

Once everything is traced, it will be a very simple matter to disable it by disconnecting the power supply or removing the fuse. Or add a switch so you can control it.

If it works and it's installed correctly though, it would be worth keeping or at least selling if you don't want it. It could be handy in the winter. If you want to fully remove it, we will be able to advice on restoring the heater system to stock.
I like my truck cold... Its the only time i get to see the mrs' nipples now days :D

Mine won't even get in it unless I'm giving her and the bitch a lift somewhere. My normal heater works really well, so I feel blessed :) but my little trip into work is not really long enough to warm the engine in the winter, so I really want to get mine sorted.
I'll have a rummage underneath tomorrow.

Original heater box is definitely gone - big empty space on bulkhead where it used to be.
who's the bitch lol? your mother-out-law? lol

Good description of the MIL :), but no, I would not let her in the Landy, I'm not sure she's house trained.

The bitch in question is the wife's Golden Retriever. She is the replacement for my 12 year old Golden Retriever which sadly died earlier this year. Whereas he was most certainly my faithful dog, she is very much the wife's faithful bitch. Pretty much her constant shadow :)
Looks like electric. Has VW AUDI symbols on it. Mess of wiring going every direction but all electrical except the heater hoses. Nowt going near any fuel source.

Its coming out!!!
just scan-read this thread, wondering why you want to see your lab's nipples

Your scan reading needs improvement :)
If I recall correctly, the nipples in questions belonged to Robbie's wife and the dog was a retriever, not a lab.

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