alan morgan

Active Member
hi ive got a 2001 td5. when the heater fan is on its fastest speed it makes a hell of a loud vibrating noise any one any ideas?.
hi ive got a 2001 td5. when the heater fan is on its fastest speed it makes a hell of a loud vibrating noise any one any ideas?.

If the design is the same as the earlier Disco's then the bearing in the motor could be failing, this allows the fan (similar to the wheel in a hamster cage) to tip and catch the side of the housing?

Only a thought, have you had any sqeaking noises when the fan is slowing down for example when you switch it off, this is the first sign of bearing failure?

Also do you have an habit of putting things on the dashboard that could fall down a screen demister? Kids thst poke odds and ends down the facia vents?

I once stripped out a noisy fan for a customer only to find a car park ticket and made it's way down one of the screen vents and got stuck just outside the motor, it made a terrible racket (leaf between hands noise?) and yet did not move back up the pipe with the fan pressure.



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