
New Member
Just had my second heater matrix in a year spring a leak....managed to bypass it under the bonnet using a whiteboard marker pen to join the pipes.

Does anyone know of any tricks to changing the matrix.....coz its a hell of a job to rip out the entire dash and heater unit... had landrover do it under a year ago and its already leaked...thinking of doing it myself........have tried pouring in various makes of redweld/sealants with hot water but still leaks........ANY TRICKS KNOWN (apart from a thick jacket)

Thanks JOHNO
Just had my second heater matrix in a year spring a leak....managed to bypass it under the bonnet using a whiteboard marker pen to join the pipes.

Does anyone know of any tricks to changing the matrix.....coz its a hell of a job to rip out the entire dash and heater unit... had landrover do it under a year ago and its already leaked...thinking of doing it myself........have tried pouring in various makes of redweld/sealants with hot water but still leaks........ANY TRICKS KNOWN (apart from a thick jacket)

Thanks JOHNO

Be careful cos all that radweld crap will end up blocking your coolant radiator and then you will have a head gasket to change:eek:
I flush out coolant about every year anyway so should get rid of most of it.......I know its a bit anal but im pedantic about good clean oils and coolant

Thanks for that though
Just had my second heater matrix in a year spring a leak....managed to bypass it under the bonnet using a whiteboard marker pen to join the pipes.

Does anyone know of any tricks to changing the matrix.....coz its a hell of a job to rip out the entire dash and heater unit... had landrover do it under a year ago and its already leaked...thinking of doing it myself........have tried pouring in various makes of redweld/sealants with hot water but still leaks........ANY TRICKS KNOWN (apart from a thick jacket)

Thanks JOHNO

take it back under warranty and say "fix it!"
well unforunately its not under any warranty........infact the place that did it was probably just ****ed off wiht the amount of mud and **** they had to wade through to fix it..... its a dirty old 300 not D3!!

Any hints also gladly welcome - mine needs ripping out and doing - the local garage said they need it for 2 days to do this!!! plus getting a spare is not easy - new ones cost a fortune.... even if it is only a leaking joint its still a pain to get to...... someone please tell me there is a 6 bolt quick fiz for this one....

well mate im afarid i still dont know any quick fix.... try disconnecting flow and return pipes at buckhead and fill matrix up with large can of redweld or equivalent and a kettle of hot water......

Phoned the place where got mine done and they seem to think its a Landy factory fault so they r getting in contact with landy hq to se if they can foot some of my bill to have it replaced......worth a try otherwise its gonna be an expensive one!!!!!!AGAIN!!!!!!!

Well i suppose thats what we get for owning a landrover.....

(also 3 doors dont open properyl, leak in boot, leak on P gasket AGAIN FOR 2nd time and leaking header tank)

you gotta love 'em landys :)

to be honest tony its such a bastard job and theres so much can go wrong if i were you id go to landy dealership incase they **** it up, as they have done in my least it looks like ill get it cheaper than last time.... just missed the warranty.......bloody typical

It is a nasty job.
My local 4X4 specialist did my old 300Tdi and it took them all day. I bought a new matrix from aaron radiators who advertise on ebay. It was about half the price the specialist could get one for and it seemed good quality. The fitter was impressed anyway. Cant see Disco ones listed at the moment but you can call them on 0845 652 8852
how much did the job cost overall .
also can you give us some idea of the heater matrix price please .

The matrix was about £50 from Aaron Radiator on ebay and the labour came to just under the £400 mark with VAT (ouch). It took them a day and a half to do the job.

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