on my digital display screen for the climate control, i've noticed a picture of an open book and an exclamation mark next to it.. i didn't get given a manual when i bought the car, and was wondering whet it meant?

can anyone shed any light on this for me?


Its a fault code for the Heater/aircon......if it stays on all the time check your heating and aircon is working correctly
mine used to come on occasionally and go off. Could be your blend motors are sticking. These control the way your heat/cool is mixed. Hope its not this as they are a pain in the ass to fix. parts are cheap but it means a lot of fiddly work
oh no really? i did notice that when i have it on auto, the fan keeps speeding up to max, then going really slow again, then fast again, then slow etc etc.. maybe thats it?
Put up where you are based in your user profile. maybe someone can come and have a look for you
to check your heater. Turn it right down to coldest setting put fan on full and go up to full heat. check that there is a change
To get yourself a manual, download the Rave cd... the link to it is in the Common Faults and Questions section
it actually means you have to go find your cheque book. Search on ebay for p38 servicing- £300 should get it sorted, unless you have some time on your hands and want to brush up on your swearing!
It has been covered on in some details so good luck!
I had that appear on mine two days ago. When I started up in the cold it came on. It stayed on for two days. This morning it was gone. I am hoping it was the cold weather that might have made something stick a little.
Don't fumble about in the dark - go to a garage that can read the fault codes for you, that way you know which one it is of the many reasons you get the book symbol.
mine comes on in cold weather when engine gets to running temp, not in warm weather though. if started in cold weather with programed defrost till engine hot it dont come on?
everything tends to work ok apart from air down! not a lot of it goes down!
will get sorted sometime i guess!
mine comes on occasionally too now. I can use the car one day and no symbol and then the next time it will come on almost straight away, there doesn't seem to be a pattern to it! I'll get it looked at at the next service. I have run through and checked pretty much all the functions and I think it is probably sticking blend motors as it isn't consistent.
The book symbol came on for me yesterday, but was gone in the evening and hasn't returned since.

I gave all the controls a work out by going thru all the different options with Auto off.

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