
New Member
Had my freelander 1 for about 2 months now and love it but there is no back light on the fan control etc, do they have them or not? if so how do you replace the bulbs?
My 2004 model has back lights, I imagine all models should have them. The Hayne's manual has detailed instructions for the disassembly of the fasia, it will probably be covered in there :).

They do, quite simple to change, pull knobs off and undo the screws, pull of Facia ,then the circuit that the bulbs are attached to clips out ( might have to undo the four screws and manoeuvre the white plastic in order to undo the clips from behind, slightly fiddly but very possible
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They do, quite simple to change, pull knobs off and undo the screws, full of Davis then the circuit that the bulbs are attached to clips out ( might have to undo the four screws and manoeuvre the white plastic in order to undo the clips from behind, slightly fiddly but very possible

This a perfect description of how to change the bulbs on a pre-facelift model.

Unfortunately the facelift model needs 'half the dash and centre consule' removed to get at the little blighters. :(

Needless to say I havn't bothered as only one bulb is missing.

It's actually a bad connection at the bulb-holder, and Mrs Singvogel has perfected the art of whacking the side of the centre console just to the left of the LH control knob which makes them work for another month. ;)

Isn't it great to have a talented life-partner to share in the joys of owning a LandRover. :rolleyes:

Singvogel. :cool:
Very easy to do.
I've just done mine on an 02 plate.
You pull the heater buttons of can be quite tight.
Then you will see two cross head screws undo those and teh front fascia comes off.
Then the bulbs are gently pulled out from the front.
Get new ones from a cars spares replace them and refit.
Should take a max of 20 mins total.

I'd like to hear from someone who has done this on a facelift model. :(

I can't believe a bulb change on that model could be done in 20 minutes. :confused:

Thanks guys been looking for this answer for a week now..

Are the bulbs the capless ones??
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they are the type that has the plastic bottom where you turn it 90 degrees and pull out about half the width as a side light bulb
Thanks guys been looking for this answer for a week now..

Are the bulbs the capless ones??

Please report back with how easy this job was to complete, as I'm still reluctant to dismantle the centre facia and console just for one little bulb.

It's been erratic for 18 months or so now.


If I make suer I get the correct lamps/bulbs

1... 286t 12v/1.2w PCB/ DASH BULBS BOX OF 10. BLACK BASE | eBay


3.. 10 x T5 286 1.2w White Dashboard LED wedge bulbs UK | eBay

I did check this morning by pulling a knob off and it is illuminated from behind,,
so I think mine are all working its just not overly bright,,,
maybe the 3.. LED ones if they fit would be brighter..

Anyone point me in the right diredction...I don't mine being a Guinea pig
I have just replaced 1 heater bulb. Took me longer to get the replacement bulb than to dismantle, replace and then put the Freelander insides back. I replaced the bottom centre bulb, and now can see the heater controls in the dark. It looks like there are 3 bulbs in total, so I'm ordering new
I'd like to hear from someone who has done this on a facelift model. :(

I can't believe a bulb change on that model could be done in 20 minutes. :confused:

Replaced mine in under 4 hours (06 Facelift) - that was including the 3 hours return visit to Halfarts for the replacement bulb. Just ordered new LED replacement bulbs off Fleabay - so, will be repeating the procedure on the next available weekend. It's a lengthy procedure but not out of the reach of most peeps. :)
I have just replaced 1 heater bulb. Took me longer to get the replacement bulb than to dismantle, replace and then put the Freelander insides back. I replaced the bottom centre bulb, and now can see the heater controls in the dark. It looks like there are 3 bulbs in total, so I'm ordering new

Replaced mine in under 4 hours (06 Facelift) - that was including the 3 hours return visit to Halfarts for the replacement bulb. Just ordered new LED replacement bulbs off Fleabay - so, will be repeating the procedure on the next available weekend. It's a lengthy procedure but not out of the reach of most peeps. :)
Hi It looks like I will be doing this 3xbulb change soon put waiting for green LED to fit with USB charger as cigarette socket keeps blowing fusees
if something keeps blowing the lights then you need to see to it replacing with leds will not make it better.
Very easy to do.
I've just done mine on an 02 plate.
You pull the heater buttons of can be quite tight.
Then you will see two cross head screws undo those and teh front fascia comes off.
Then the bulbs are gently pulled out from the front.
Get new ones from a cars spares replace them and refit.
Should take a max of 20 mins total.

That with the gently pull them out doesn't work on my one. Probably twenty years nothing done. Tried to get the white insert out ad/or do the fiddly bit from above, but nothing so far worked. Pliers would not be a good idea, I guess, not sure if I could use a bit of electronic spray.

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