
New Member
Hi Guys,

I’ve finally managed to join in and have got myself a 1992 110 CSW. She was in a bit of a state so I’m gradually sorting things out one problem at a time, usually finding another 4 problems on the way. I’m sure everyone has been there. One thing that has me perplexed at the moment is the heated rear window. When I got the Landy the switch was smashed to bits but the white connector is still serviceable. Finding a replacement switch is proving to be very dull, both paddocks and Land Rover don’t seem to be able to help but more importantly from the bits of the old switch there should be 3 contacts arranged in a triangle (apex down). Now my connector has only two wires going to it which have been loomed together, by the previous owner I guess. A friend has an older 90 that has three wires going to it and he gets a PD between the two top wires and the bottom. I don’t get anything across any of mine except there is a PD between the RH wire and ground. I’ve trawled Haynes and the internet for a bit more info but run a blank everywhere. Has anyone taken one to bits recently and can let me know if I’m supposed to have two wires or three, where they are lead from and any ideas on a replacement switch would me much appreciated.

Many thanks

Thats the fella, thanks Buster. Also thanks for your photo logs they are truely invaluable.
Thats the fella, thanks Buster. Also thanks for your photo logs they are truely invaluable.

Nae wurries Jim;)

Ah found this ....


But ah think ye've probably got something like that in yer Haynes manwell;)

Ah've just dug out my spare switch and had a look at the back. It's got three prongs on the back of it and they're numbered 1 - 5.
1 is blank (lhs)
2 has a 'prong' (rhs)
3 has a 'prong' (lhs)
4 has a 'prong' (rhs)
5 is blank (lhs)

Dunno if that's any guid tae ye or not?;)
Thanks again Buster, from the diagram it looks like I’m missing the white feed from the ignition, I guess it has disappeared somewhere inside. I'll have another dig around at the weekend and hopefully locate it. What do you think the chances are that that will be the end of it and that the relay and rest of the wiring are still okay…… slim to none!?
Thanks again Buster, from the diagram it looks like I’m missing the white feed from the ignition, I guess it has disappeared somewhere inside. I'll have another dig around at the weekend and hopefully locate it. What do you think the chances are that that will be the end of it and that the relay and rest of the wiring are still okay…… slim to none!?

Ye never know Jim:D
Just bin out to check the switch in me bus and there's only two wires on my switch....



Forgot to check if they had any coloured tracers on thum:doh:
Anyways, they go to numbers 2 and 4 on the back of the switch. Ah'll nip out after me tea and have a look to see if the white wires have tracers or not;)
Should be three wires:

live in
out to warning light panel
out to relay

Make sure that is sorted before progressing further - it took me two days of tinkering to sort mine out.

Plenty switches on ebay or use a simple two way switch:

power in and power out - then seperate the out; one to the relay and one to the warning panel.
Thanks again guys. New switch is on its way so should have it by the weekend, fingures crossed. Buster my setup looks exactly the same as yours, I only get a voltage on one of the wires, not both and nothing between them which I think is odd. Do you have a light on your warning light panel when you RHW is on? Do you think that could be the wire that we are missing from bluehaze's description?
Thanks again guys. New switch is on its way so should have it by the weekend, fingures crossed. Buster my setup looks exactly the same as yours, I only get a voltage on one of the wires, not both and nothing between them which I think is odd. Do you have a light on your warning light panel when you RHW is on? Do you think that could be the wire that we are missing from bluehaze's description?

TBH Jim, ah don't know if mines lights up or not. Ah swapped wiring looms with me white bus and this is how it was set up in it. Ah never tested it but presumed it was all working just fine. Ah need to connect the wiring up at the back door to see what happens, never got 'round to it as ah don't really use it or need it. 'IF' ah remember tomorrow night ah'll plug it in and see what happens;)
It is mate - mine was that set up until I changed the switch. The missing wire should go to a seperate feed in on the top right of the hazard illumination panel. Rather than try and find an odd piece of wire, take the illumination panel out and see if the RHW light has a wire attached. If not put one on and connect it to the switch or even grab a link on the out wire of the switch.

Let me know.

Where are you located?
i got a similar problem with mine, been bloody cold of late! any ideas? i've attached a pic to try and explain better...

Took the switch panel off again to have a look and one of the white wires has a green tracer through it. Took off the clock facia off and found they went to the relay and volt sensitive switch that are fixed tae the bulkhead...



The connector on the back of the switch has only ever had two wires fitted to it. The 'spare' prong has never had a wire on it and the connector is sealed off where it goes over it.

Ah connected the wires at the back of the bus (black and a white/black) to the heater element ....


...and it doesn't work. Tried stickin' a test bulb between the rear connector and nothing happened so checked the fuse (which was fine). Never thought to stick the test light in the fuse holder to see if there was power going to there:doh:
Noticed ah didn't have a dash light when ah put the switch down, maybe there's a wire off somewheres. Also noticed in the Haynes manwell that the white/green wire from the switch splits with one wire going to the relay and the other to the warning light.
Hopefully that might give ye a little help Jim;)
Hi Buster,

Did you manage to get yours working today? My new switch turned up this morning installed it and got a nothing in return, so something must have come off or busted somewhere further up. I will try and dig the relay out tomorrow and see what state it is in. Thanks for everyones time so far.

Is there a good bulb on the RHS warning panel and does it have an earth? Mine has its own earth, which is seperate to the others.

Have you tested the RHS to ensure that it is ok?

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