always liked the Classics, but i like the toys in the P38.

any car have its problems, not just the british made cars. always had british cars, apart from a new escort back in 93, and never really had a problem with any of them. i had an old Morris Ital which i did over 40,000 miles in 1 year and only needed a rear diff unit after too many times trying to spin the rear wheels :D:D:D:D:D:D

my choice, P38, thats why i bought 1 :)

but in 5 years i may go for the later L322, see what probs they come up with on here first :)
For your stated budget Gooldie I'd say neither. I've never owned a P38 & judging by the posts on this site, never want to! If you want a decent (ie not a rot-box that's been maintained on a shoe string) Classic then you are going to have to put more cash into the pot & be prepared for a prolonged search. I looked at several for a friend a couple of years ago, have never seen such a load of rubbish described as 'in good condition' & the truth is that unless you have the skills to restore the thing yourself it's never going to be a cost effective exercise.

Well this turned out to be the case, maybe I am being unrealistic of what to expect of a 20 year old car, but there was more rust on the panels than I was expecting. I recently owned a 20year old merc w124 and it was pretty much rust free and was hoping a good range rover from the same era would be similar
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During the classic era, Mercedes were well built and Range Rovers rotted, when the P38 arrived Mercedes became rotboxes and Range Rovers surprisingly rust resistant! Some kind of wield karma going on. :)
hello there i own both.
i have a classic which i use of an off roader and a p38 for posh. but i can tell you the classic is so much more fun to drive i refuse to sell her. so id go for classic every time
So you want to buy a totally rust free minted rare Brooklands Classic with only 90 k genuine miles, you will need to pay double my price.
I am not happy that my vehicle is described as having ROT and rust in the panels, the vehicle looks great and a genuine well cared for vehicle, the above comments suggest that I am trying to advertise something that it's not, please note below part of my email to Gooldie stating that there was rust in some areas !!!!!

We now have some forum members slagging off my vehicle when I put an advert on this site, The Mad Hat Man needs to keep his views to himself,

Now it's not perfect and there is some rust on the passenger door on the inside where the hinge is,can't be seen from outside and it does not affect the opening or closing of the door, I only noticed it very recently, also some of the light weight panels within the engine compartment have some rust on them, NOT the bulkhead and not on any major load bearing parts. And finally there is a narrow plastic strip that runs along the top of the rear bumper, it is starting to buckle up in the centre, again not a major issue but noticeable .
The mad hat man is entitled to ask a question - the same as anyone else. if yu wish to try and sell overpriced tat - go ahead, but dont expect everyone else to support you :mad:
Over priced tat !! What a Richard head
stop being a knob.
Also i think your motor is nice but I WOULD (my opinion, which im intitled to, as is MHM and any other dick head or other on here)prefer a vougue SE for the toys. A SE has almost everything youd expect off a new luxary motor apart from ****nav. Id offer you 2 maybe 2.5k for your motor-probbably the lower end cos of the rust if i were looking.
So you want to buy a totally rust free minted rare Brooklands Classic with only 90 k genuine miles, you will need to pay double my price.
I am not happy that my vehicle is described as having ROT and rust in the panels, the vehicle looks great and a genuine well cared for vehicle, the above comments suggest that I am trying to advertise something that it's not, please note below part of my email to Gooldie stating that there was rust in some areas !!!!!

We now have some forum members slagging off my vehicle when I put an advert on this site, The Mad Hat Man needs to keep his views to himself,

Now it's not perfect and there is some rust on the passenger door on the inside where the hinge is,can't be seen from outside and it does not affect the opening or closing of the door, I only noticed it very recently, also some of the light weight panels within the engine compartment have some rust on them, NOT the bulkhead and not on any major load bearing parts. And finally there is a narrow plastic strip that runs along the top of the rear bumper, it is starting to buckle up in the centre, again not a major issue but noticeable .

Appoligies, may be my wording was un fair and have edited my post accordingly. This is most definately not you or your cars fault. It was purely down to my expectations. This was the 1st classic I viewed and with the price it was advertised at and description was expecting a near immaculate car. Obvioulsy if that is what I am looking for I may well have to spend a lot more or readdress my search

No need to apologise I think it's unfortunate that some members of this site enjoy slagging off other members vehicles, would be good if mad hat man could realise he was out of order with his ill informed comment.,but I doubt it.

I really enjoyed your viewing yesterday and I am sure you will agree it was an enjoyable hour chatting about cars in general, I have to say if I had just stepped out of a beautiful Merc 6.3 AMG ( best car makers by far, but then I am biased ) I might of found my old Rangie a bit sluggish !!!! As I am sure you realised I had no problem with you not wanting to buy my vehicle it's just a bit of fun/hobby and I did enjoy our chat. My problem with this site is that so many members seem to like slagging other members vehicles off and putting negative comments on other threads when they have little or no facts, it must really be a big thing for them or perhaps jealousy. Now if they were slagging my mk11 escort that would be a different matter it is in a different league, well price wise anyway.

Do you think my advert was mis-leading? I didn't describe it as minted or A1 condition but I still think its a good looking well cared for low mileage Brooklands with only 3 owners and a guaranteed 90k miles.

Best of luck with your search,

No need to apologise I think it's unfortunate that some members of this site enjoy slagging off other members vehicles, would be good if mad hat man could realise he was out of order with his ill informed comment.,but I doubt it.

I really enjoyed your viewing yesterday and I am sure you will agree it was an enjoyable hour chatting about cars in general, I have to say if I had just stepped out of a beautiful Merc 6.3 AMG ( best car makers by far, but then I am biased ) I might of found my old Rangie a bit sluggish !!!! As I am sure you realised I had no problem with you not wanting to buy my vehicle it's just a bit of fun/hobby and I did enjoy our chat. My problem with this site is that so many members seem to like slagging other members vehicles off and putting negative comments on other threads when they have little or no facts, it must really be a big thing for them or perhaps jealousy. Now if they were slagging my mk11 escort that would be a different matter it is in a different league, well price wise anyway.

Do you think my advert was mis-leading? I didn't describe it as minted or A1 condition but I still think its a good looking well cared for low mileage Brooklands with only 3 owners and a guaranteed 90k miles.

Best of luck with your search,
thought you were leaving in 2009 when ya tried to sell ya ringer?
No wonder decent people think there are so many idiots on this forum , the emails I have had saying they have had the same **** from numpties, what a sad bunch
No wonder decent people think there are so many idiots on this forum , the emails I have had saying they have had the same **** from numpties, what a sad bunch
yep your right. Biggest forum on the net for landies is definately failing....:your_wrong:

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