
New Member
I was out on the motorway today, and saw several UK cars (including a few Discos). Don't forget that if you don't have DRLs you need to have your headlights on during the day, and even with DRLs you need to turn headlights on in all road tunnels A few drivers were being spoken to by local plod!
Thanks for the heads up - I knew about the lights in tunnel but not about the new law.

We drive out to Switzerland every year for Christmas/ New year and hadn't spotted the change in law. Have to admit to not taking the Disco (even though I'd love to!) as it's much more economical to take the other half's much newer citroen!

When was that law introduced? Been to Switzerland for the last few years. Fantastic place to visit - can recommend floating through Bern down the river Aare. Great fun. Probably not travel that far this year though.
That's good to know. Probably won't get that far south this year, but you never know. I really need to spend more time at home rebuilding the Landy :rolleyes:
Thx for the heads up, I think it's an ongoing sweep across Euroland and will soon be in the UK, a lot of countries in Euroland and others like Croatia have seemed to have adopted it already.
Safe travels.
We have had it for a few years in Poland, its a very good idea and certainly improves the visibility of other drivers.

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