
New Member
Despite trawling the internet I can't seem to find any for sale for a Disco 1. Any ideas folks?
Your best getting a quote for a re-trim of the headlining ...

some are reasonable, some are taking the Mick ...

shop around - oh, by the way, I think LR want £500 for a headlining but I could be wrong ... :rolleyes:
Nope, £500 is exactly what they want. £350 for a pro retrim.
I did mine for £80 but did all the prep and removal/re-fit myself.
you need to be a bit more specific, has your disco got sunroofs or not etc? 2nd hand is usually the cheapest although not always the best option, re trim is good, Land Rover them selves - not so good
you need to be a bit more specific, has your disco got sunroofs or not etc? 2nd hand is usually the cheapest although not always the best option, re trim is good, Land Rover them selves - not so good

Why should he be more specific, the OP wants the headlining ...

do the work ...

shop around - eBay - gumtree

taking the old one out yourself will give you some idea of the work involved and you get to know your vehicle - which is never a bad thing... :rolleyes:

Ahh, apple ogies ... re-read ...
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It's a none sun roof model. However had a good look on the forums here and seems some guys have stripped it all back then painted it. Which I think looks quite good and less costly.
Picked up a fiberglass one for my rrc off flebay for £127. Keep looking, I was going to revamp myself until this one turned up.
At the moment I am a Defender 110 owner and I have just revamped my headliner and it's a massive improvement. I have never had the pleasure of seeing a Disco headliner but it's a Land Rover.... hope this helps if you suffer from condensation I can recommend the insulation as well!

I did notice a lack of insulation so I would probably sort that too. I suppose doing it myself gives my a chance to get to know my disco.
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