I couldn't be arsed with all that so I just got hundreds of tea bags emptied out the tea and refilled them with opened out tampons sprinkled with silica gel then sewed them all together with a rot proof thread to match the interior and made a quilt that I then stuck to the inside of the roof with bee's wax.
Good lord strat,what with all them lady pads tied to your roof I do hope your sun roofs don't leak!. You could drown from that sort of thing.
I couldn't be arsed with all that so I just got hundreds of tea bags emptied out the tea and refilled them with opened out tampons sprinkled with silica gel then sewed them all together with a rot proof thread to match the interior and made a quilt that I then stuck to the inside of the roof with bee's wax.

Does it randomly now throw a hissy fit for no reason and just as quick act all normal again like nothings happened, and then spaz out again? most things I've met that are attached to tampons seem to act like that.
Does it randomly now throw a hissy fit for no reason and just as quick act all normal again like nothings happened, and then spaz out again? most things I've met that are attached to tampons seem to act like that.
Well I couldn't tell you I don't have the car anymore it left me for no good reason spent my money and took all the decent CDs.. :(
I hate it when they do that, Your better off without it anyway, if I'm honest I never really liked it anyway, it had "issues".....
Those of you that have done this could you share some pictures please of the end result!!?

Mine needs sorting and it's a great idea !!!

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