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Is it possible to cut out a standard defender van front head liner to fit a county sunroof?

Has anybody already done this?

Planning on removing the sunroof, trying the headliner up to the roof, drawing round the hole left from sunroof and cutting it out!

No reason why it wouldn't work I don't think, and their is plastic trim available which clicks onto the sunroof frame and covers say an inch of the head lining, so you wouldn't actually see the cut you make.
No I meant misspost by me as I wrote e reply thinking the op wanted to fit a sunroof and posed as such, then reread his post so deleted mine as it made no sense which I realise is quite normal!
The expensive l'selle ones (or whatever theyre called) are not made for sun rooves - they say you have to cut them yourself.

I think theyre £600 or so too - and then you have to risk cutting the hole in the wrong place yourself!

I took off my csw headliner last week. Does not seem a lot to it - as above, get the lining rubber strip, and that should sort it out.
Will be doing this to mine soon, mines a county with a leaking sunroof ( ribbed roof ) and got a smooth roof to replace it but want to keep the roof lining then hopefully get round to having the glass sided fitted and then I can fit the window panels back in and sort the rear roof lining out where the alpine windows would be as the smooth roof doesn't have the alpine windows :)

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