Surely vosa can't expect you to change parts on the car because the law changes or we should all be changing our number plates of our older cars to the new font and with the postcode of the manufacturer on. So if the law changed after the hid kits were legally allowed to be fitted then they can't make you change them. So by the sound of it vosa have set a date of 2012 so cars produced from this date can't have aftermarket hids as the new law is now in effect and enforcible
wot size tyres fit my landie...:bounce:

kin `ell guys, some of you just chill fer a while.
just put some nice relay`s on each bulbs feed switched by the old headlight wiring.
youll get nearly 14 volts when running insted of the dimdip robbing 10volts.
I changed the bulbs for "better" blue tinted ones (blue rinse ladies?)
and got 2 foglights wired thro` a switch & relay on dip..
waaahhooooo I CAN see the road, pavements & hedgerows without blinding oncoming drivers

oh, yes, everything is inline fused too!
But surely what Martin is saying is that whether or not an MOT tester passes them is irrelevant. Whilst they are illegal as far as vehicle construction regulations are concerned you can still be prosecuted.

Construction regs have a 'from' date, same as is the case for belts, repeaters, fogs, indicators e.t.c. They are all part of the regs now but do not apply to vehicles pre dating the change in the law

Surely vosa can't expect you to change parts on the car because the law changes or we should all be changing our number plates of our older cars to the new font and with the postcode of the manufacturer on. So if the law changed after the hid kits were legally allowed to be fitted then they can't make you change them. So by the sound of it vosa have set a date of 2012 (I know this law came in earlier but it wasn't enforced in the slightest) so cars produced from this date can't have aftermarket hids as the new law is now in effect and enforcible

Yay, someone gets what I'm trying to say. I am not debating that they are now illegal, they can not be fitted to any vehicles nowadays however as there is no way to tell when they have been fitted the people that make the rules have instructed those that enforce the rules that pre 2012 vehicles are exempt, well no not exempt more excused from the new laws. If you was followed to a garage and was seen fitting them then yes, they are illigal and ypu stand a chance of being caught. If you fitted them yourself at home and got stopped then you would be advised on the law and that would be it (all VT's have been instructed to pass and advise, that's what's in the manual)

They are not going to publish this in official documents as its basically a loop hole, you are braking the law by fitting them buts it's near on impossible to prove and therefore deemed not worth taking action against

I will add though that HiD conversions that utilise the original reflectors are not legal as they will not have the correct beam pattern and is why they dazzle people, these are not in any way good for road use, not only do they blind others but will be useless in fog or heavy rain as they will just reflect back and blind you.
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Ok, let me explain this one last time. Although the regulations forced upon us by the EU states that you need washers and levellers it was decided that due to the number of kits legally sold in the UK that grace would be given to all pre MOT regulation date change of 2012. I am not disagreeing that it is illegal to have HiD's fitted without these systems I am trying to explain that there is no way to tell if the conversion was done before the law changed so as has always been the way they have enforced a cut off date, this time being April 2012. This is similar to side repeaters and seatbelts, they are legal requirements but you don't get them on some vehicles.

I don't care what links you pull from the web this is the way the law was introduced into the UK to allow for all the legal kits that were purchased. If you do not wish to believe the word of the owner of a VOSA approved test centre who goes out his way to ensure compliance and who's job it is to interpret and understand this exact law as it was intended and who has received training and assistance from the governing body that enforces this law then that's your call. I will take the way VOSA explained it over your judgement any day...

What you are saying may well be correct but as most goods show production dates on them it can easily be proven one way or another. If a police officer or VOSA official pulled vehicle over and checked it and found a sticker saying that it was from a batch built in 2012 it would be very hard to pass it off as being fitted 5 years ago. If VOSA are short of their days tally they may well decide that the offending vehicle is worthy of a tug.

On the subject of taking VOSA's word on something. In my line of work they do not know their arse from their elbow. They will often quote laws and regs that are innapropriate and in some cases try and make me break the law by telling me to do something that they feel is correct when it is actually illegal.
There is an almost unlimited amount of things that people do on the road that are illegal, but in my opinion fitting Xenon or HID lights just gives the cops a reason to stop you, they'd rather be petty about headlights and other ****e than stopping the real criminals who go around speeding and causing danger to other road users. :rolleyes: Oh well, **** happens
Is that the same as in our FAQ section? :doh:
indeed man of many hats.

I done mine slightly different, with relays attatched to the behind areas on the radiator panel, but am using 1 relay for each lamp source.

(still got to wire in the main beam ones tho`
BTH, I dont really need them at the moment)
There is an almost unlimited amount of things that people do on the road that are illegal, but in my opinion fitting Xenon or HID lights just gives the cops a reason to stop you, they'd rather be petty about headlights and other ****e than stopping the real criminals who go around speeding and causing danger to other road users. :rolleyes: Oh well, **** happens

To be fair, badly adjusted headlights, of which there are thousands, can be very painful as well as dangerous to oncoming traffic. After market fittings, whether 100 watt halogens or HIDs just make the problem worse.

When travelling back from the Chippie run I got zapped near Wincanton by a 4x4 coming the other way with badly aligned HIDs and 4 roof lights on. To this day I don't know how I didn't crash.
I just wish somebody told the knobhead heading west out of Wincanton that night
bet the knob got bored of playing with his willy,
and went to play with his lights on his "truck"... :D

oh look, mines bigger then yours.....

being blinded by science, a knobheads rooflights,
or someones ego, is such a sad place to be,

as it Illuminates just who & where you are...

along with the sign saying "KNOBHEAD"

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