
hi all, ive got a problem with my headlights that im going to try to sort today and any help would be appreciated....unless i pull the fuse the headlights are on continually! would this be a relay problem or something to do with the switch? or something else im missing?
Could be a stuck relay - certainly worth swapping out before taking everything else apart!

If not, a live feed connecting to earth (chasis) or switch

Have you had the dashboard or steering column off recently? Plenty of wires to catch!
well, i checked everything over and couldnt find anything loose etc. i then pulled the dash off and found what looks like a dim/dip relay which i disconnected and now everything works! can anybody tell me how it works without the relay fitted? what does the relay do?
well, i checked everything over and couldnt find anything loose etc. i then pulled the dash off and found what looks like a dim/dip relay which i disconnected and now everything works! can anybody tell me how it works without the relay fitted? what does the relay do?

Would I be right in saying that if you put your lightswitch to the 'sidelight' position, your headlights no longer iluminate dimly?;)
thats correct ratty, side lights only. is it ok to continue without the relay being replaced?

Yep your fine. Drive it on.:D The early defenders had to have a dim dip relay to iluminate the headlights with a faint light due to sidelight regs. Later defenders don't have em anyway so I wouldn't worry about it.

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