
New Member
Hi All,

Not had chance to take a look fully but on my way home tonight both my headlights failed to work!!!

Sidelights work

Main Beam Works

No headlights - anyone else experienced this?

Will take a look at the bulbs and fuses in the morning but surely its too much of a coincidence that both would go at the same time... All was fine yesterday

Anyway any help appreciated.
Ta Rob
REET earthling. . .yer got 2x fuses in yer cab[fuse box] ,f20 un f18 both supply h /beams [wether left or right dunt matter] as chances of both goin is possible but unlikely . . . .so controling thet is a relay [in cab fuse box] this is called 56 ,this is activated [snigger] by yer light switches on yer colum. . . .that also has 2x fuses from a different source [dont go there] . . . . .so its now down to three fings 1= wiring fault 2= relay fooked 3= switch on colum u/s. . . .the reason for the [dont go there] is cos . . . . .sorry its to complicated fer er earthling. . . . .snort
2001 model year onwards

Check fuse 9 (40amp) in engine bay This control feed to full beam relay,

There is a joint between fuse 9 and relay that carries this feed but dont know exactly where

After that the 2 fuses for full beam in car think 18 & 20

After that you need to check the stalk switch
Both bulbs had gone - who'd have thought it...

Anyway - now have lights for the wacky races on the M6

Thanks again for all your help
mine blew both its low beam lights last week to its not the first time this has happened to my car i think that one may go and the otherone gets overloaded or something, anyway its happened to me 3 times now in 2 years
Snigger........ 15 posts because the bulbs have gone....What next for the gaylander owners.....Help I cant get me key to go in the the ignition, I have tried me house key and it dunt work:D :D :D
So what - if it had been the fuses or the wiring or the relay the post would have been a valid one? Proper post on a mans forum - Hee Hee :)
So next time yur walk into a room and flick a light switch and the room stays dark......what do you do?????? LOL

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