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my headlight have failed when i put the switch into the first on position sidelights and head lights are on but when put into second position light go off hi beam works if i pull back to flash lghs but nothing if pushed fprward as if put on to hi beam. i have power at switch and power out on switch termials.sorry if the explanation sound iffy has anyone got any ideas.
No idea what the problem is and good luck finding it, but it you light a couple of nightlights and stick 'em on the wings, you'll probably never know the difference!
Happened to my 300 on Friday. Side lights and dim-dip when engine running nothing when I went to second position on the light switch (rear lights etc fine). Will flash main beam even with engine off which is normal. Chased though all the usual simple bits (bulbs, fuses relays). Cecked the wiring diagram and decided it could only be the collumn switch. Checked with meter and the power was fine all the way to the switch (blue wire) but nothing going out to dip or main. Wired up across the feed and the dip wire and all is fine again except I obviously can not get main headlights.
I've ordered a new switch from Paddock, just got the fun of fixing it on!
New switch now fitted, getting back from work too late to sort it out earlier. The patch-up worked fine, though no full beam was a little restrictive.
Thanks to Bustersbus for the useful pics of the job (ie getting off the steering wheel etc etc). The problem was as suspected..the points that carry the load to the headlights obviously heat up and melt the plastic mounting. The blob of plastic then either puts them out of allingment or flows out to stop them touching. Either way the arc at the contact just speeds the whole thing up. OK could add a relay but as the last switch lasted 14 years I'll keep it simple.
You can see the "blob" on the contact (follow the blue wire).


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