Im thinking of getting some crystal style headlights but only on the basis that they are a lot brighter than the standard ones on my 1987 110.

so are the crystal lense headlights for the look or are they a good improvement on a dark road?
Best thing you could do is fit new sealed beam units and run them from 4 relays bypassing the old lucas wiring. You would be surprised at how good sealed beam units are when working properly,
Or do as I did
Oem td5 mounts- so you can get to bulbs and the chrome rings are now stupid money so black
Fit bearmach crystal lights
Best thing you could do is fit new sealed beam units and run them from 4 relays bypassing the old lucas wiring. You would be surprised at how good sealed beam units are when working properly,

thanks, i want to stay with the more traditional look anyway to be honest, dont think crystal would suit it
thanks, i want to stay with the more traditional look anyway to be honest, dont think crystal would suit it

You need to use four relay's triggered via the live feeds to the lamps, the reason for using four is if one fails and you are only using two (one for dip and one for full) you could end up stranded with no dipped beam.
I fitted a halogen conversion to a 300 Ninety for a customer not too long back, they live in the same village so I drove it home that evening, the halogen conversion was not much better if at all than my own sealed beams. I passed him on the road a few weeks ago, small country lanes and it was dark, he blinded the bejesus out of me.
The 90 came back to the workshop shortly after having the halogen conversion to have some upgraded bulbs put in it, it came back soon after with a burned out switch.
Td5 bowls and crystal lights work for me too. Bulbs are cheaper than sealed beams as well.
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I fitted crystals in my 2005 110, with night breaker bulbs, the headlights produce white light, yes, that's right, white light, way better than that dull yellow glow that Land Rover deemed acceptable.
I fitted halogen lamps (genuine Lucas) to several of my minis in years gone by and it was a tremendous improvement over the sealed beam. Now I have a '63 mini with sealed beams and wouldnt change them for the world - love that dim yellow glow :)
Its so nice when you see a car coming towards you running sealed beams too.
Totally useless but really nice!
The trouble with sealed beam vs halogen is the same as with any upgrade- people are usually comparing their knackered old parts to shiny new ones, so it's rare to get a genuine like-for-like comparison.
I fitted these ones with the halo led ring to mine with really good bulbs and they are a huge improvement.


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I fitted halogen lamps (genuine Lucas) to several of my minis in years gone by and it was a tremendous improvement over the sealed beam. Now I have a '63 mini with sealed beams and wouldnt change them for the world - love that dim yellow glow :)
Its so nice when you see a car coming towards you running sealed beams too.
Totally useless but really nice!

i know exactly what you mean. its a big part of a mini or landrovers character i think, especially on older landrovers!

Im thinking about maybe a couple of middle sealed beam spotlights on a bullbar and getting better sealed beam headlight/mainbeams to replace the old ones. Are there any particular good makes for these? Or better ways of wiring/powering them?
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If your dipped beam relay fails you will have both lights shut down at once, this is why each side is fused separately in case one side fails you always have the other side still working.

As both relays are next to each other I could move two wires over and have the dipped work from the main relay. Or, as said, I could reach under my wing and plug the original wiring back in. Neither of which would take for than a min. Then if I really got desperate I could just swap the dipped and spot light relay. Lots of choices.

Last thought.....if it was dark and I wanted to get home I could just short out the dipped relay.

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