
Master Procrastinator
Just been out to change a bulb in my headlight and noticed that the bracket on the side (down by the horn) has broked off at the headlight unit itself, no idea how or when this has happended as I'm sure it was fine the last time I had to change a bulb...

Anyhoo, are there any recommended botches.. er .. I mean fixes for this, or will I have to buy a new entire unit? :eek:
I think brand new they are VERY expensive, second hand they are not quite so expensive but still a bit painful. Even most of the second hand ones have the brackets broken, probably from when they were stolen :eek: Both mine I have been broken and I've decided to just leave them broken as they're not wobbling around or anything.
If I were to buy a new unit, it certainly wouldn't be a new new one... it would be something from a scrapper, but as you say, the bracket is liekly to be broke on them as well.
I had to buy a secondhand one recently, cost be £120 and the bracket was broken. I did ask the bloke if it broke when he nicked it but he just looked at me like I was a c***.
Mine were the same, I think possibly it’s caused by over-tightening the screw, as the break occurred at the point of fixing on mine, and the broken section was held in place by the screw. I applied some gorilla glue to the bracket and hoped for the best. I had planned to go back an put some rubber washers in between to provide some “give”, but haven’t got around to that yet....
3D printers are ok for some things but the ones I’ve seen print in built-up layers which can be their weakness.

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