
Hi all

I am the proud but bewildered owner of a 2004 Range Rover vogue TD6 which has had a 2006 facelift conversion done on it.

since day one of my ownership the car has suffered from a huge battery drain which causes the battery to go flat after 2 days of parking the car up.

i have since changed FSR and a new battery but still it persists.

since then it has been with Les Pauls in redbridge essex who have found that when unplugging the headlights the battery drain stops.

i know the headlights need different connectors so would have been changed when the conversion was done.

does anyone having a conversion wiring diagram please

what can be the cause of this and anyone know of any fixes?

many thanks in advance
I would search on here for post by Mattstevens, he had this issue I believe when he got his.

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