There was a story in the press a while back about the continental fuzz linking up with our plod for the purpose of chasing up traffic offences and unpaid fines. I think it was more of a scare story designed to make us behave rather than something that might actually happen. Never heard bugger all from the frogs about the parking ticket I didn't pay anyway:rolleyes:

Parking tickets are a completely different and lower priority matter.

The thing with speeding is that it became a REALLY high priority over here as a European report came out about 18 months ago and showed France as one of the worst in Europe for road deaths.

This embarrassed the government so they upped speeding as a priority target.
If you are stopped by the Gendarmerie you will be fined on the spot and accrue points.
And because that means less paperwork, that makes them more likely to stop you. And because you're foreign, that may make it even more likely. And if you don't have any cash they will take you and your car to the nearest big town gendarmerie until you find a way of getting some. It's worth remembering too that the French police are under no obligation to be nice to people (although they sometimes are!). See Video Violence des CRS Ã* Nanterre - crs, nanterre, faculté, université, paris - Dailymotion Share Your Videos for example.:D
Yet again yella, a considored response.

This is not complete bollocks. The French systems do have a link to the UK systems and you will recieve a fine and points in the post. This applies to cameras of the various kinds. If you are stopped by the Gendarmerie you will be fined on the spot and accrue points.

Incidently, if you are 30kph over the posted speed limit, then you could recieve an automatic driving ban.

The points situation applies to point accrued in France as if on a French driving license. They accrue on the french records such that if you are caught speeding, in France, on a number of occasions within a 2 yr period, then YOU WILL BE LOCKED UP !!!!!!

The way the points system works over here is that you start with 12 points (in your account so to speak) and you progressively lose them until you get to zero, when you lose the right to drive on French roads.

Even if you had a English driving license, you still generate an infraction record in France, so will incur points and fines.

I suppose yella that there is only one way to convince you, so come on over, break the speed limits and see what happens ;) ;)
i do apologise, i didnt realise i had to explain it as if i was talking to one pof my children. i was trying to saty that as we start off with a clean licence and accrue poibnts, the french start off with 12 points and have them deducted so it doesnt go onto your driving licence. if it did then you could get 11 points on your uk driving licence, go to france, speed about for a while and end up with a clean licence. yes you re correctin saying that you still accrue an infraction in france and it stands within french law but as i said earlier, you dont get the points on your uk licence.
i do apologise, i didnt realise i had to explain it as if i was talking to one pof my children. i was trying to saty that as we start off with a clean licence and accrue poibnts, the french start off with 12 points and have them deducted so it doesnt go onto your driving licence. if it did then you could get 11 points on your uk driving licence, go to france, speed about for a while and end up with a clean licence. yes you re correctin saying that you still accrue an infraction in france and it stands within french law but as i said earlier, you dont get the points on your uk licence.

You just can't help yourself can you, you sad muppet. Try communicating in the english language, you know, spelling words correctly, forming sentences with punctuation etc, with appropriate good manners and then maybe just maybe you will be percieved by the rest of the modern world as being a member. Until then you're just a small speck of something on the bottom of my shoe.

Good day :D :rolleyes: :cool:
You just can't help yourself can you, you sad muppet. Try communicating in the english language, you know, spelling words correctly, forming sentences with punctuation etc, with appropriate good manners and then maybe just maybe you will be percieved by the rest of the modern world as being a member. Until then you're just a small speck of something on the bottom of my shoe.

Good day :D :rolleyes: :cool:

And Judge that's why Yella tied his feet to a depender and dragged him across town....!!! :D
Use common sense when driving abroad. On first trips to Europe, I used to go through all the mullarkey of headlight-beam-adjusters, GB plates, spare bulbs etc. More recently I worry a lot less.

Indeed on the most recent trips (by motorcycle last year to 11 countries including France, and by car in 2006 to France, Switzerland and Austria) we hardly bothered at all. We were stopped by police in Germany on motorbikes last June, and 2 of the bikes gathered on-the-spot fines for noisy exhausts (as could have happened in any European country including Blighty) - fortunately my bike has it's original exhaust... No-one looked for headlight-beam-adjusters or GB plates - not even the hyper-active German police!

Use common sense. If you're going to do a lot of night-driving, then it's courtesy to make sure you're not dazzling oncoming road users...

Incidentally, I notice a lot of foreign cars don't bother when coming to the UK - they just dazzle oncoming cars drivers!
You just can't help yourself can you, you sad muppet. Try communicating in the english language, you know, spelling words correctly, forming sentences with punctuation etc, with appropriate good manners and then maybe just maybe you will be percieved by the rest of the modern world as being a member. Until then you're just a small speck of something on the bottom of my shoe.

Good day :D :rolleyes: :cool:

i can only assume by going off on the tangent of my speeling and gramar, you havent got an argument with the points on the licence. if its punctuation , spelling and grammar you are after then may i suggest you try orrp. they seem to have a hang up about that, whereas we tend to just get on with it.and if you are so fookin blissfully happy in france, why dont yer go and join pierres landrover forum ;)
i can only assume by going off on the tangent of my speeling and gramar, you havent got an argument with the points on the licence. if its punctuation , spelling and grammar you are after then may i suggest you try orrp. they seem to have a hang up about that, whereas we tend to just get on with it.and if you are so fookin blissfully happy in france, why dont yer go and join pierres landrover forum ;)

I'm impressed, very impressed, did you learn that at nursery school?

"yes you re correctin saying that you still accrue an infraction in france and it stands within french law"

" and if you are so fookin blissfully happy in france, why dont yer go and join pierres landrover forum"

"ffs tinny, we aint all fookin wide boy schemin cockerknees yer know "

"aye trewy, they look like they are, but seen as its ****ing down, they can wait till the wikkend"

"now yer have just showed what a fookin durdy ol mincer yer really is wi that comment"

"nah, it werent the honst crims they sent there mate, it were the nonces and kiddy fiddlers"

"whaddya expect, they all come from the loins of rapists and child molesters anyway"

"i offered yer a coffe, even tough i was very busy so fook orf "


Literary genius, and so helpful and constructive too, you must be very proud.
Just out of interest, what should a bike carry in France? eg hi-vis, bulbs etc.


A blue berét, a garland of onions, a whiff of garlic and a packet of Disque Bleu ;) ;)

Sorry Rob, it was just tooooooo tempting.

To be honest I've no idea and as we live in the country, I suspect no-one else around will know either. All those rules are for just city folks aren't they??

ALWAYS carry your papers with you, even when just walking around. Eg passport, drivers license etc. You just never know.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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(Motor)Bikes are supposed to ride with headlight on day & night, and carry spare bulbs...
In my experience, noisy exhausts are not popular in some of Europe (although every 14-year-old seems to take baffles out of moped exhausts!).
Hello I'm new so ought to mind my manners but we seem to be going off the point here what with spelling, grammar and syntax et al. (Enjoyed the banter though!) However, I need some help so back to headlamp deflectors...

I've just bought some Halfords universal ones and the instructions relate to either "normal" headlamps or "projector" headlamps. I've got tracking headlights on my Disco 3, (the ones that turn with the steering, I think they're bi-xenon something or others) so I'm a bit concerned where to fit the deflectors. Are my headlamps what they call "projector" and if so do I ignore the swiveling effect and just stick them on as per instructions?

Stuart G

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