Jay Vousden

New Member
Hello all,
Thanks once again for the replies on a heated wind screen. I will be removing my head lining soon to try and cure my leaking sunroofs. The Kaynes manual states that this is extremely difficult and should be left to professionals and gives no further instructions. Is it really that hard?
I read some where on a forum about a bloke who took his out, fixed the leaks and painted the headlining with satin black aerosol paint to cover up all the stains. Does anyone know that thread and point me to it?


I no expert, for one I've never had the roof lining right out. However, I have dropped various bits of the roof lining at different times to route cables etc on some TD5 survey vehicles we use at work.

I cant say I found anything about it difficult but you do have to remove lots of bits of trim etc so it takes quite a lot of time and patients as well as lots of different tools (torx etc).

From memory there isnt anything actually holding the lining to the roof, its kinda moulded and held in by all the annoying trim pannels - but I could be wrong on that point.

hope that helps
Take a look at http://stbernardtrust.bravehost.com/sunroof.html some useful photos and description.

Not sure of the age of the vehicle in the photos, mine was slightly different in that the B pillar trim is glued in place rather than held by clips. I just gently persuaded the roof lining past those trim panels rather than removing them.

Hope that helps.

Funnily enough, when I took a look at my sunroof I couldn't find anything wrong with it other than it appears to be designed to leak!
Find out where the leak is coming from first if it's between the sunroof body and the roof then u will have to drop down the head lining. Not if it's between glass and the rubber seal.

Another sun roof link. muckytruckin.co.uk

aup mate, i took my head lining out about a year ago, it was a piece of **** no problem at all, a bit fiddly at times but defo not hard,
but i havn't got sun roofs in mine:rolleyes: was just fittin some roof rails,
but you only got to remove a little more trim round ya sun roofs than i had to

don't no if that helps

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