
New Member
When my lights are on 1 is on main beam and the other is dipped.
If i flick them on to main beam the dipped one goes to main and the other one dips.

Is this a case of just swapping the wires around to the light?

(Bulb only goes one way!)
i have the same issue, please god you get an answer, its driving me mad!!!! i was told to check the earth cable for the lights, but mine already has a second earth running straight off the bulb connector.
you've got the wires connected the wrong way round on the light. Most likely the bullet connectors
This is weird, ive tried switching the wires around on the one light and then it only works on dip :s
This is weird, ive tried switching the wires around on the one light and then it only works on dip :s

Get a multimeter and check the bullets are giving power out. If they are, check connections and earth, if they aren't check fuse, and then it could be dodgy cable or maybe the switch
I had the same issue, which I fixed by swapping the terminals around on the back of the light unit, it's worked fine ever since
I had the same a little while ago. Make sure you arent swapping the earth and one of the terminals, I know on mine it wasnt clear which was which. Mine works fine now, although for about 2 weeks I had both the wrong way as I went for a cuppa before I took the light out, then did the wrong one!:D

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