
Active Member
Hi all,

Took the disco on a long run today and going down the motorway the engine seemed to noticeably lose power so I put the clutch in, and drifted into the hard shoulder. Without thinking, I switched the engine off while still coasting to a stop in the hard shoulder, and momentarily several lights including the oil light flashed up on the dashboard. I stopped and opened the bonnet and there was smoke or steam rising from the engine. I gave it a moment to cool down and then opened the coolant expansion reservoir, and judging by the lack of hiss or steam, it was empty. I tried to fill it up but the water I was putting in, just ran out of what I'm guessing is a crack in it.

The RAC bloke got me to try and start it and it wouldn't, and he said that the head gasket has gone. I think he said that he could feel suction through the water expansion when the engine was trying to turn over, or something along those lines?

Anybody got any more ideas or does the RAC man sound about right What's the going rate these days for a head gasket change, and since I assume the head will be warped, is having it skimmed an expensive thing to do?
300 tdi ? if heads been very hot you will be better with another , head skims about £40, and changing gaskets not a difficult long job , check rad gets hot all over when its back up and running if not replace

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