ok spent this morning cleaning up the head i think i may have found a crack between exhaust and in let valves for number 2 piston
dose any body know if the water jackets run between the inlet ad exhaust valves.

Hi Tony

Always use new bolts as they are stretch bolts. Over the years indirect cylinders head always seam to crack between the exhaust and inlet valves. A good engine refurb shop should be able to fit wedges and remachine them, they will also need to fit new valve seats.

I would also look at the anti-chambers (the pots near the valve with a small hole for the injected fuel to come out and enter the cylinder), as the tend to crack radially and will need to be replaced.

Not sure about the cost of this job, but I always used to have this repair done as it was cheaper than a new head, I would have the head skimmed so at least you know it will be true.

Hi Tony,
You prob wont see the crack in the head if you have one. Its quite normal to find cracks between the valves on heads and really shouldnt cause you too much agro aslong as the crack doesnt go through the valve seats. I strongly suggest you get the head pressure tested before you spend your time refitting it! If it tests ok get it skimmed and then re fit. The two should cost you around 50 quid but if you want to do the job correctly its the way to go. Good luck with it!
hi guys put the head back on to day and got every thing back to gether and the car started and it ran sweet and no gasses in the water system so hopfully i have sorted it
just wanted to ask if any body can tell me after i had the exhast manifold off do i need to renew the gaskets of can u reuse the old ones ?
New gaskets/heat shields, for manifold and turbo, assuming that`s been removed too. Tighten as per book: starting at centre progressively up to 22Nm, and 45Nm for turbo. But check for yourself in RAVE. Don`t take chance on using old gaskets, they`ll be compressed losing elasticity, blow by of hot gases can damage mating surfaces and damage other components nearby. Costs a lot of time an` money to save a few bob.
right car all back to gether with new head gasket started ok went for test drive and runing realy nice and smoth to be honest seems even smother than b4 .
had a prob with the back injecter leeking but took the feed pipe back off and reseated and that seems to be ok and car seems ok now
made up realy. first time i have worked on a diesel engine
i actually like the car again now so it has a stay of execution lol
untill the next time hehe
tony :D
ok guys finaly got the head off to day can not see any thing ovious can not see any cracks at all
is there a coman place where the may be a crack or if there was a crack would i see it straght away because as i say can not see any crack at all and block looks ok.
so hopfuly it is just a failed gasget
any thoughts would be helpfull

chears guys

Just had the same with my DSE, had all your symptoms etc. Turned out to be a cracked head!!!!:eek:

To be on the safe side get it pressure tested to be certain as they could be cracks you can't see. I managed to pick up a second hand head, but I also had this pressure tested before I had it refitted.


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