Well-Known Member
Ok, so I think my head gasket on my MY2000 P38 4.0 V8 has gone. 
I've had the car about a year, and in that time, the temp needle has never gone beyond half way.
I noticed about 2 weeks ago my expansion tank was almost empty. I assumed I just hadn't been checking it, so topped it up and thought nothing of it.
Then yesterday, coming home from my 5 mile commute, temp goes off the scale.
As I was only a mile from home, I let it cool, then limped home.
The temperature did creep up on this last mile, but then suddenly sprang back to half way.
At this point I thought it might be a dodgy sensor or just an air lock from a hose leak.
Anyway, when I got home, after a bit of cooling, removed the expansion cap, ran the car, and it bubbled so much the header tank spilt over.
My sniff test arrived today, and it's bad news. It went form blue to green (albeit very slowly). Took about 10 minutes to change colour.
Do these kits ever give false positives?
So what next.
According to the history, engine was re-built in 2015 with top hat liners with Tuners.
Assuming the history is accurate I'm ruling out an issue with the liners.
I'm using the car as a daily, and really can't afford the down time right now.
I'd love to pull the engine anyway, as it's loosing a lot of oil via the rear main seal, but I just don't have the time now, and as it would be my first V8 removal, I probably want at least 2 or 3 weekends to get the job done.
I could do the head in-situ and worry about the seal another year, but that seems wasteful.
Another option is k-seal to buy me some time until next summer. Wife is a teacher so we only need one car in the summer holidays. Same for Christmas, but I'd be doing this job on my driveway.
If this works, I may treat myself to a 4.6 crank and do a full re-built
(I need a silver lining)
What would you do?
I've had the car about a year, and in that time, the temp needle has never gone beyond half way.
I noticed about 2 weeks ago my expansion tank was almost empty. I assumed I just hadn't been checking it, so topped it up and thought nothing of it.
Then yesterday, coming home from my 5 mile commute, temp goes off the scale.
As I was only a mile from home, I let it cool, then limped home.
The temperature did creep up on this last mile, but then suddenly sprang back to half way.
At this point I thought it might be a dodgy sensor or just an air lock from a hose leak.
Anyway, when I got home, after a bit of cooling, removed the expansion cap, ran the car, and it bubbled so much the header tank spilt over.
My sniff test arrived today, and it's bad news. It went form blue to green (albeit very slowly). Took about 10 minutes to change colour.
Do these kits ever give false positives?
So what next.
According to the history, engine was re-built in 2015 with top hat liners with Tuners.
Assuming the history is accurate I'm ruling out an issue with the liners.
I'm using the car as a daily, and really can't afford the down time right now.
I'd love to pull the engine anyway, as it's loosing a lot of oil via the rear main seal, but I just don't have the time now, and as it would be my first V8 removal, I probably want at least 2 or 3 weekends to get the job done.
I could do the head in-situ and worry about the seal another year, but that seems wasteful.
Another option is k-seal to buy me some time until next summer. Wife is a teacher so we only need one car in the summer holidays. Same for Christmas, but I'd be doing this job on my driveway.
If this works, I may treat myself to a 4.6 crank and do a full re-built
What would you do?