Please stop using my bargaining methods they are patented.
I thought you offered Midget Gems? He might still go for those.
Please stop using my bargaining methods they are patented.
I thought you offered Midget Gems? He might still go for those.
True but Wine gums or Midget gems are included in the bartering patent. As are part eaten Mars bars and Kit Kats in order to enhance the value of the transaction. Alan has been known to offer used but washed and re rolled condoms as an extra incentive. Although they are not much use unless you are a donkey.
I've just seen some Range Rover condoms. Apparently they break down when you most need them and then you're totally f*cked.
Get off Google Translate Tony. So you found a way to bypass the censor, bet he's gefickt now.Do you mean gefickt? Deutsch lernen zu sprechen, die Filter nicht verstehen Deutsch. EG:- Ich habe gerade ein paar Range Rover Kondome gesehen. Anscheinend sie brechen, wenn Sie sie am meisten brauchen, und dann bist du total gefickt.
Get off Google Translate Tony. So you found a way to bypass the censor, bet he's gefickt now.
And Suvern. Just picked up my mate's c/head after skimming and pressure testing, his son borrowed the car (Disco) and cooked it. Had 40 thou taken off to get it levelGood innit, pity it doesn't do scouse and geordie.
And Suvern. Just picked up my mate's c/head after skimming and pressure testing, his son borrowed the car (Disco) and cooked it. Had 40 thou taken off to get it level
Cheeky ziege schicker40 thou is pretty twisted. Yeah if anyone from down souf writes in translate. It comes up with "Recognisable text must be entered". Or "Please refer to Google gibberish".
Cheeky ziege schicker
Queen's English down here ... or would that be German?
Or Greek.Queen's English down here ... or would that be German?