Very usefull, thank you. I saved it for future reference.

And to all others that helped with advices in this thread,.......last night we took Hippo out for dinner. About 60 miles RT, up and down the freeway, at 80+ mph. This was the first "normal" drive in the car, and the first drive wife and I took in the car together. It performed FLAWLESSLY!

I detailed it yesterday, and the little thing does not look like it's 12 years old. Wife was very happy.
I need some thought on this: If one checks resistance on the barrel, and it comes within specs, that indicates the solenoids to be OK (but doesn't tell you if they are sticking). Also,....if you check there, you can't "see" if the barrels need cleaning (in case some contacts are dirty). Right?

But,.....if one checks the resistance at the tranny computer box (with barrels connected), and the resistance is within the specs, it means that the continuity is established through the barrels (no loss of contact, no cleaning, no zip ties needed), right?

Since I checked both ways, and got the good readings, I think I can eliminate barrel connectors issue,....or am I missing something?
Yer resistance theory is correct but it's still worth taking the barrel connectors apart to physically look at them. Loop resistance is just measuring the coil in the solenoid/sensor and the wiring too/from it. If measuring from the computer this does sort of check the resiatance across the barrel connectors.The resistance meter will only pass a small current through the circuit to test it. The ideal method would be to pass many amps through it and measure volt drop, which gives a betterer test. This isn't practicle to do in the auto gearbox wiring hence just checking resistance is good enough for us. Not everyone finds something worng, but those who do often find a low resistance solenoid or an open circuit sensor. When My auto was playing up the main dealer wanted it from cold to set the oil level correct then drive it. At some point they also did a resistance check.

It's nice to see it's been resolved. The barrel connectors are known for causing problems. F4 especially.

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