This isn't going to help anybody out there, but it really has helped me. I thought I was going crazy as all and everything I've just read has and is happening to my '05 L322 and I thought it was just me and mine until I "somehow" hit on this Forum without knowing how. Not only has my little beast done everything to me that I have read about but she is still playing up. I have counted my lucky stars as I have had her for the past 10 years and never had any issues at all, I'm about to go through probably everything that has been written here as there doesn't appear to be a definite solution that last, but I shall come back with any success or failings that I may encounter and let y'all know if I have a result. This weekend (if I can get hold of one) I'm hoping to change the Central Control Module (under the passenger seat). LR no longer stock these at all so I'm open to suggestions if anybody has a genuine great spares supplier. As I have said, I have had it seen it heard it all over the past week and I've got the tee shirt with it all down the front ( I estimate the T is six foot long nw as well) and I thank you guys for your input as there are some good "Try this's" in there. L8er