well from the advice ive gotten so far i cant be arsed to do it i thought it would just be a simple job but if i gotta change stuff then i wont bother would have responded sooner but my drivers side door top fell apart when i went round a corner the bloody duck tape broke and peices went evrywhere so i spent the night sortin that out
i make things go wrong most of the time i changed 1 of the dash switches tonite and dropped the new fuker n couldnt find it then had to move the landie so some 1 could part and i drove over the it and i got the cost thing to worry about at the moment most of my money goes towards petrol so the hazards aret a big priority there just summin i would like to get done
ah told yer... get wan o' them flashy beacon things....or nick one off the cooncil lorry!!! after the pub.....
Jesus H Christ, just to shut the fat goat up, PLEASE get a flashy beacon thing! :eek:

At least it's big enuff that you won't drive over it. ;)
i drove over my snack bag and destroyed an "unbreakable" flask dont put stuff down behind vans and forget u put it there
yes, i echo that sentiment even tho you appear to be a cheeky ****er... respect your elders dear boy, I'm an old man!!!
S'that pointed at me Grandad?

Respect me elders? I pay your fkn pension, be **** all for me when I want one, so respect your paymaster ol' timer.
Ye wee fekker ye.....ah was drivin landrovers in't war when you werent ****tin solids me boy....

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