
i know this subject is very popular and there are many ways to sort things. But I have now gone through 3 hazard switches and fed up with buying them. They all work on their own, but won't work with indicators as well.

So my solution is to add an additional wire to the back of the connector terminal from permanent supply to supply to flasher, as per attached diagram. This should ensure I have indicators that can be permanently on, if the engine is switched off. Which I have done while waiting for a new hazard switch.

Do anyone forsee an issue by me doing this?


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I don't understand you .. The hazards work?

Or do you mean the hazard switch works when tested off the vehicle, but not when connected properly? If so, isn't this more likely to be an indicator relay issue?
The indicators work when I have the permanent supply to flasher with additional wire. But when I take the wire out and plug the hazard switch, only the hazards work and not the indicators.
I've had issues with the hazard switch failure. On one of my defenders I'm on my forth switch in 12 years. Often the indicators stop working but the hazards work. Sometimes opening the switch and bending the terminals will get the switch working again. I once bought a new Lucas switch that didn't work until I opened it and fiddled.
The switch actually works fine when it's plugged in. But the indicators don't work at all.

The only way for the indicators to work is to unplug the hazard switch and place a wire between permanent live and supply to flasher.
The switch is supposed to switch the permanent live to either the hazards or indicators. As above sometimes you can tweak the switch to get them working again, but it's an ancient design and they are one of the many known weak spots in the vehicles wiring. If you're buying them from the same place, they have a faulty batch.

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