I shall be watching this post, as im in exctly the same boat except im about to just give up and take mine to the garage, as im totaly stuck and Ive tried all sugestions and nothing works...:frusty:
OK there is a old time trick don't laugh but it works. face your vehicle up hill and put on jack stands. Fill brake reservoir to the top. With the cover off and leave for 24hrs and the air bubbles will find there way out.
I`m in the same boat, beginning to think they are meant to be like this!!!
Really spongey, but will lock up the wheels.
yep spot on james, mine doesent seem to bite until the pedel is about 80/90% down or you give it a sharp second pump, but it will lock the wheels up...
Hi all again i have done hundreds off these and i have an easy bleed, a vacuam bleed, a pressure bleeder and the only way i have found to get all the air out off the front brakes is to get the bleed nipple at the top, so remove the drum then the hub then the back plate with shoes and cylinders still atattched turn it 180 degress so the nipple is at the top and let it gravity feed
right gonna try this tonight, one of the fitters at work told me the way he always got round it was to bleed brakes as normal, rear left rear right ect, then once you've done all that if there still seems to be air in the system, wedge a piece of wood on the brake pedel so its as far down as it will go then leave it for at least 24hrs but the longer the better, he says this normaly does the trick... I shall be giving this a go fingers crossed, but im not overly hopefull
Think about it logically!

Start at the wheel cylinder nearest to the master, then the next nearest, then the next nearest and then the last!

That way you are not introducing air into the part of the system you have just bled!! :doh::doh:

Hate to ressurect this old thread but I had a bit of useful brake bleeding advice from my local landy specialist. Basically I don't think I'd fully understood that the air gets trapped in the cylinders, not the pipes, and this guy reckons that what he always does is take the shoes off and G-clamp the wheel-cylinder pistons in as far as they'll go, therefore leaving no space for air pockets to form. Haven't got round to trying it yet but it sounds like a sensible theory, just thought I'd share it.
Fingers crossed.
its easy enough to push the pistons all the way in without taking the shoes off.....essential on the top cylinder on twin leaders

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