People on Landy Zone seem to help eachother out in a a completely "not for profit" way. Its one thing to pay for someone's fuel but even that isn't always asked for.

We tried to work out how much it would have cost in real terms for a recovery we did last week (some of you might have laughed yourselves stupid at it at the time). If we were to charge going rates it would have been close on £4000

But we did it to help out other LZ users at our own expense... no big problem.

Mechanics on here are forever pitching in for the hell of it. I've had friends calling round to teach my lad welding and advice from some of the charge.

If I need a press I go to a mate that has a press. If someone needs a PC or MM sorting out they come to me...

That's what makes this whole forum work so well.... so please don't lets **** it up now by making dim posts hatching around for a few quid.
[JP];1357300 said:
I think Paul is going to start charging us to watch in on the webcam too... lol

Bastid...soon it'll cost me money to be on LZ!! :mad:

My old Hawkeye is free and available to anyone who is passing...I divorced the fat, lazy cow 10 years ago :D
My old Hawkeye is free and available to anyone who is passing...I divorced the fat, lazy cow 10 years ago :D

Thats not nice!!

Fat people have feelings too, Maily for Cream Cakes (Extra Large!!)


My Nanocom is FREE to those who need it and live local. I have been known to post it to those not so locally to if they are regulars on LZ.
My Nanocom is FREE to those who need it and live local. I have been known to post it to those not so locally to if they are regulars on LZ.

Thats the spirit!! May i borrow it...please.....

I was just putting some other stuff on ebay anyway :p
ha - no i meant i wouldnt allow not the forums
hope that makes a little more sense.....

Sorry mate, take no notice of me.

I think I got tangled up in the way you put it. My mistake.

Your reply did make sense.

( bollicks, storms right again ! ).

Sorry mate, take no notice of me.

I think I got tangled up in the way you put it. My mistake.

Your reply did make sense.

( bollicks, storms right again ! ).


The more i drink..the more sense i make...especially to myself :p
Sorry mate, take no notice of me.

I think I got tangled up in the way you put it. My mistake.

Your reply did make sense.

( bollicks, storms still a cock ! ).


Ya can't go saying things like that about storm.:eek::eek::eek:

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