Hi all.

Recently bought a 1998 Defender 90. I got it for very, very reasonable price as I knew I would need to spend some money on it.

To cut to the chase, it's having a new chassis fitted but I would like to know what else should be done whilst the thing is taken apart that will save it having to be separated again?

I expect it's a fairly long list but some "definites" would be appreciated.

If someone else is doing the work the bill will increase quickly..
Do the clutch,
New A frame bushes & knuckle
Brake pipes
fuel pipes.

Remainder can be done as and when needed
Hi, thanks for this. Yeah it won't be cheap but then I intend for it to outlive me so it's worth the cost.
I did wonder about pipes and thank you for the suggestion of the cluth and frame.
Can you do any work yourself?
If so I would just get the clutch and brake pipes done also.
Otherwise anything else can be done easy enough when needed.
Engine and gearbox mounts, timing belt if it’s a 300Tdi, check the steering box for wear and leaks.

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