No worries dude. PayPals fine. I'll get a rough cost for postage when I finish work and let you know
You still shifting the maglight ?
Total price for postage to Bristol....
Cheers ????
Any idea on the postage mate?
Can you pm me your PayPal address also?
Just seen this mate. I'll get a rough cost asap. Sorry it's not been sooner, I've been busy with work and whatnot.
You still shifting the maglight ?
Total price for postage to Bristol....
Cheers ????
Jam1 got first dibs on it but if he changes his mind it's yours
Yeah I'm still up for it.
No worries presumed you were busy, never much day left when you have to use the bus and then come home and have to fix stuff so you don't have to use the bus anymore etc etc, been there done that and it sucks.
You mobile again now?

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