As an update for 2019 i finally managed to fit the Boomslang to my SIII (this month). The loom supplied still has to be extended both sides so i bit the bullet and extended it so the original headlamp socket which the new H4 plugs in to now sits nice and neat behind the front panel with both relays. The headlamp bowels required the new ceramic H4 connectors to be temporary removed but was a simple operation. The old offside headlamp socket was just unplugged from the original loom and stored. Verdict - great improvement but series owners still need to extend the loom.

TaDa! done it ... but bloody El it was a bit a thing ...
Being a lefty n all that .. however here is what I had to do.
Remove the older H4 connectors and withdraw the wiring from the headlamp bowls.
Remove all of the connectors on the new loom, because the plastic pipe covering the new wiring doesn't fit through any of the existing holes.
Fit a new ring connector to the main feed as the one it had was too small to fit on the battery post.
fitted an H4 connector to the point on the old wiring loom where it split to feed the headlights (middle of the radiator)
Threaded the loom left and right and used new shrink wrap to seal the wiring connectors.
Fitted the relays on the left of the radiator bulkhead.
The whole process took most a day with fiddling about but was well worth it in the end .. improved the lighting? don't know really as I havent had to drive it in the dark yet.

I connected my main power lead to the back of the alternator, I think I fitted a slightly bigger eye terminal too. You should see a difference in brightness, I didn't think I would but it was noticeably brighter.
It took me most of a day too.
Well done Simon.

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