
New Member
Might have cause more damage than good ! Got a pear of pliers and pushed and pulled the rod trying to find out was the fork out of place ! But I have pulled the rod out ! It has a plastic holder which must of been holding it in place ! Any advise would be much appreciate as I am in Czech Republic and don't know anyone and can't speak the language .
I had started a thread under hard clutch pedal stuck in low /reverse but have got it out of low and reverse but now have pulled the rod out !
Is there anyway of putting the rod back in place with out having to take the gear box of ?
How could I tell if the clutch,the fork or anything else has cause this problem ?
Can I put in a longer rod ?
Is there any chance the rod could fall into the bell house ?
I pulled to hard on the rod to get it out a bit and looking a the clip you can see by the different shades it was contacted before I pulled at it could that mean there is no hole ? Should I use a bar and press on the fork to see if it moves back and forth ?
If I found the fork to be all right could I put it together with out the clip ?
How could I tell if the fork is all right ?
Can I put in a longer rod ?
Is there any chance the rod could fall into the bell house ?
I pulled to hard on the rod to get it out a bit and looking a the clip you can see by the different shades it was contacted before I pulled at it could that mean there is no hole ? Should I use a bar and press on the fork to see if it moves back and forth ?

If I found the fork to be all right could I put it together with out the clip ?
How could I tell if the fork is all right ?

You should be able to see the fork if you shine a torch in the hole Failing that push a screwdriver in. The fork has a half round depression that the pushrod presses against. If it's gone the screwdriver will go thru the hole.

Once the slave cylinder is fitted over the rod No it can't fall into the bellhousing As James said just hold it steady & tight up against the fork while you refit the slave cylinder

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