Thanks for that Pos, One thought was to buy either a station wagon or a hardtop, and either way have only two individual seats in the rear, so that I can fit bikes in between without having to remove wheels (sadly they're 20mm bolt through and not QR).

Is there enough space to do this or am I better off doing as you suggest and having a hardtop with the extra space and bench seats for when I have extra people?

And you're right, it does look good either way :D but I think overall I slightly prefer the SW look - having said that there was a great looking white hardtop in one of the magazines recently, cant remember which one but a builder used it, if that helps :rolleyes:
Well with the station wagon there is always the option to take out the back row of seats in the cab so that you have two extra doors on either side and the rear door as access into the back which seems quite appealing, and you will then have the same amount of space that you get in a hardtop, as well as a couple of extra seats that you can mount in the storage space at the back for your mates or flog on ebay. You could then go for some black window film to tint or black out the windows and fill them with stickers like 661 or sram for example - that'd look cool.

With the 110 hard top you don't have to worry about taking out the second row of seats in the cab because you don't have them, and you don't have two extra doors on the sides at the front either. Both ways will work, a station wagon may well actually be your best option as long as you decide to remove the back row of seats (you know which ones I mean right?)

As for a white hardtop, most people on here will tell you that they look horrible and that they'll get dirty really quickly and that they're boring etc., but I think white land rovers look spot on (when they've got decent steel or alloy wheels and big, not necessarily wide tyres). With regards to the builder, well I've never known a builder with a land rover, so it could work in two ways:

1) He may have bought it thinking that it's an indestructable block that he can chuck around
2) He may have bought it as an all round do everything vehicle and kept it well maintained.

A good look over it, particularly the chassis and the bulkhead will help you determine whether it has been cared for or abused.
Cheers fella

I'll have a proper look at both over the next few weeks and make a decision, but a station wagon looks favourite at the moment. Then hopefully tinted rear windows and maybe cages for security/strapping bikes to. Think I'll avoid the stickers though, as while it looks cool I dont want to advertise what's in there!

This white one in LRO or LRM was mint, had been done up very nicely along the lines you mentioned and looked the part.

White landies are probably Marmite, love or hate! I'm undecided, but for me it's all about a black one!
Station Wagon 2nd Row Seats Fold, in the recent ones so rather than removing them you could fold them out of the way, against the back of the front seats. Solves all your problems. Station Wagon will be more expensive but should be in better condition (Less likely to be abused by a commercial user - Vat and Tax Issues)

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