
Well-Known Member
Police (bless them) just came to my door, and asked if the 12 seater van was mine (it has Skanska Balfour Beatty written all over the side back and front) I said I drive it but its not mine.... they asked me to park it somewhere else!!! (its parked near a T junction) they said they had a complaint that when someone came up to the junction they couldn't see if it was clear, I pointed out that it wasn't parked right on the junction, and it was safe enough.... and then I ask him where he would like me to park it, he looked up and down the road.. (there wasn't a parking spot in sight) and then I said to him Its taxed, has insurance, and I have permission to drive it and take it home, and with out being sarky I said to him people ring you up about this? I know you have better things to do, he agreed and they went on there way.... people eh??
Its a side road, not like a main road, I am parked away from the corner, at least a cars length, if I put my P38 in the same spot I bet it wouldn't be a problem, its because its a 12 seater bus I bet
FML. Probably some old retired busy bodies with nowt better to do.

You know the type that drive at 10 mph, never had an accident, and now can't see over the steering wheel & gets the wife to walk infront.
Oi! Dopey! MOVE YER VAN!! IMG_6777.JPG:eek::eek:
I usually park my van in the drive but at the weekends stick it in the street but I am on a junction. Down one road the guy calls my boss if I park opposite his wide double gated entrance. Bout 12ft wide. Other side the guy has let his tree overhang the road and last time moaned that by parking there I was damaging his tree. So I got my chainsaw out and offered to prune it back to his legal boundary or call the council. You just can't win with these people. Next thing he's calling police to complain I am blocking the line of sight as its on a very slight bend. I pointed out the tree, they walked away.

I asked where else I could park as there's no other legal space. No answer. Council have pruned his tree and billed him now and I park there. :)
I always reverse my Transit Van on the driveway.

My neighbor moans that it blocks their view down the street. I say it's a driveway, surely you can see to pull off. They say "Yes but no, I mean from the lounge window". FFS :confused::mad::rolleyes::jaw:

I offered to paint a mural of the street on side of my van. They promptly ****ed off. :bolt:lol.

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