Fluffy Si

New Member
Hi guys.

I've had my 110 in the garage for the past two weeks due to a gearbox problem. The guy said he'd fit it in between jobs so he could charge us less as we weren't in a massive rush to get the problem fixed.
He's just got back to us this morning and said the problem was with the 3rd and 4th selectors, he's managed to fix it and it's going to cost £440 (cash).
This seems a bit pricey to me as i recently had a new (recon) gearbox fitted on my Mercedes van for around this price.
What do you guys think?
A good price or not?

Costs about that for a recon box from ashcrofts, plus fitting, how much is the labour part of the bill?
Seems a little steep, but hard to call without knowing what he's done or what he had to remove to get to it.

Get a breakdown of parts, labour and VAT.

Assume labour rate £50 - £60 per hour to approximate how long he worked on it.
Fair enough bevhelee - was trying to do the sums for the worst possible scenario:)

As Lynall says - if they've had to have the whole box out, would expect about 4 - 6 hours labour which would put it in the £300 mark before any parts.

If they were able to get accesss from inside the Landy, then you'd hope the job would have been quicker.

Until the OP asks for the detail, truly hard to advise
Thanks guys.
He said he had to take the box off.
I'll get more details off him later today.
I'll ask him for a guarantee too.
The annoying thing is, it had a new box put on just before we bought it!
Sounds like he is takin the pash. Where are the bits he removed? Bet it wasnt that problem and it was something simple. Can he describe in detail what he done and what he saw in there?
Thanks guys.
He said he had to take the box off.
I'll get more details off him later today.
I'll ask him for a guarantee too.
The annoying thing is, it had a new box put on just before we bought it!

No guarantee from the previous owner I presume.
Nothing from the previous owner unfortunately.

I'm not sure what sort of gearbox it is.
Symptoms were:
A bit of crunching going into second for a couple of months.
Then for one day we struggled to get into any gear.
The next day it was stuck in third gear (the gearstick seemed to be moving but to no avail).
When the mechanic did some initial work on it he said he managed to get all the gears working except reverse. He then came back to us and said he'd had to take the gearbox off and that the problem was 2nd and 3rd selector arms.

Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm a bit of a mechanical novice to be honest :/
Think you need a proper gearbox geezer on here but sounds a lot like clutch to me, no doubt someone will tell me what a plonker I am but just my opinion from what you say
what engine if lt77 or r380 you dont have 2nd and 3rd selector arms but 1st/2nd selector fork and 3rd 4th selector fork all worked off one shaft ,only series boxes ,4speed lt95 and 5speed lt85 have mulitple selector rails ,what can happen on lt77s is that the pin on selector shaft that locates in slots in selector forks can go between them and wont come back which means stick will be sloppy and wont select gears this can really only be fixed by stripping box , reverse would be the hardest to get back in line so selection can work,nearly impossible as the other 2 x fork will sit naturally in line but reverse is loose and falls out of line ,grinding while changing gear is worn baulkring 2nd usually first to go then 3rd,clutch not clearing usually gives symptoms of stick not been able to push into gear no grinding,what engine and age is your vehicle
if its all aliminum cases its lt85 and they are prone for selector fork wear especially 1st/2nd ,is it all fixed now with good gear selection including reverse ,also selector jaws that gear stick locates are roll pinned to selector shafts and can break meaning gear stick moves but selector rail doesnt,you could expect to pay £200-£300 for removal / refit of box and £400 for recon box ,they would have had to remove rear housing to change forks ,but just top housing for pins and adjustment, its still possible lt77 as they did v8 version for def above post relates to that
I'm going to pick it up today.
I've managed to knock him down to £400.
He said his time cost £300 (fair enough) and the 2nd and third selector fork cost him £140... which sounds a bit pricey to me.
I'll give it a good check over when I pick it up.
Thanks for all your advice folks,
much appreciated.
if its lt85 all aluminum gear box 1st 2nd selector fork i buy for £18 lr sell for £48.72 + vat there is no 2nd and third selector fork they dont exist you have 1st and 2nd fork and 3rd and 4th fork ,3rd 4th fork is to me £31 lr £79.82 retail

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