
New Member
just put my cat c p38 right off back on road and i'm really pleased far.
but have an intermittant fault with havac powers up when ignition is turned on then powers down again still leaving screen backlight on but nothing working then whenever it feels like it'll come bacxk on again and so on and so forth.........also seems to blip off when other things are put,lights etc.could this be a bad earth fault or is it somthing common. also it throws up a little book and exclamation mark.
i know nothing about any fault code signals as i have not got a handbook yet.
any help gratefully accepted O mighty gurus !!!!
Sounds like a dodgy connector, the handbook sign is an indication that one or more parts of the hevac system are faulty, ie blend motors or temp sensors.

thanks.i am going to take it out on the weekend and have a look to see if alls o.k.
when it comes on it works fine.....oh forgot heated front screen is not working either so problem is there to find !!!!!!!!
thanks.i am going to take it out on the weekend and have a look to see if alls o.k.
when it comes on it works fine.....oh forgot heated front screen is not working either so problem is there to find !!!!!!!!

normally the heated screen is due to a broken element, maybe you have a crack and have to get a replacement one for 60 excess on your insurance ;)


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