Think this will be viewed as so called SNAKE OIL on this forum jus wait till trewy or slob get onto this.
Or me!

Rub it on yer head & it restores yer hair as well! I've tried it. Dunt werk. Still as bald as a coot.

It's a con. Save yer pennies & change yer oil more often. ;)
yup - there is a whole thrrad on it somewhere.
they sent me a free sample to try out on thhe "Dibnah" - made not a jot of difference in the 100 miles or so i drove it after. Then I sold it.

I think it fell under the category "snake oil".
yup - there is a whole thrrad on it somewhere.
they sent me a free sample to try out on thhe "Dibnah" - made not a jot of difference in the 100 miles or so i drove it after. Then I sold it.

I think it fell under the category "snake oil".

Nah, that wuz the stuff they sent yer fer yer head wot yer spilled on yer eyebrows........................wait on, wait on, IT WORKS! :D
Think this will be viewed as so called SNAKE OIL on this forum jus wait till trewy or slob get onto this.
ah seen it but ah dint think ad bother commenting as am feed up getting told orf fer telling it like it is; so go ahead and buy some, stick it in and stand back and watch while it replaces all yer bearings, hones yer bores, renews all yer pistons and adjusts yer tappets and grinds yer crankshaft. and if yer buy 4 bottles it will even chuck in a free cambelt change or carb tune up. ave heard that if yer slip it a tenner it will nip round after wards and hover yer carpets arnorl
ah seen it but ah dint think ad bother commenting as am feed up getting told orf fer telling it like it is; so go ahead and buy some, stick it in and stand back and watch while it replaces all yer bearings, hones yer bores, renews all yer pistons and adjusts yer tappets and grinds yer crankshaft. and if yer buy 4 bottles it will even chuck in a free cambelt change or carb tune up. ave heard that if yer slip it a tenner it will nip round after wards and hover yer carpets arnorl
See wot did i tell ya!
Well done sir slob, hopefully he will listen to the voice of experience :D
they sell that stuff in walmart. I've heard bad things. Believe it unstuck a ring for me once. But i also had some marvel oil in there.

I used it a few times being under the impression it would desludge my engine.

Then I started thinking skeptically. Can't find anything that supports snake oil in engines.
Petrol int petty tank, oil int th'engine, and water int rad, nowt else.
If the stuff was so great manufacturers would be using it.
Petrol int petty tank, oil int th'engine, and water int rad, nowt else.
If the stuff was so great manufacturers would be using it.

no they wouldnt! although i agree that most of these things aint of any use, I disagree that the manufacturers at interested in longevity in their motors. What benefit would it be for them, they want to sell you a new car, not sell you one that lasts 50 years.

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