Mmm, well my key turned up and doesn't work! But they did get my other key to power up! The problem I have now is, the lovely range rover won't even accept, the eka code (which worked before) any suggestions? All I get is 'engine disabled' I don't think it is key end, I think it is car end. Cheers
Could one of two things - Need to Enter the EKA code or the BeCM and the Engine ECU need to be resynced...

First I would try to resync the Keys to the Car - depending on Year you will either have to place the Ke in the Door Lock and turn to Unlock and press the unlock button, then back to lock and press the lock button - now remove the key and press the unlock button and then place key in the ignition to position 2

Or if it is a later model - place the key in the ignition and turn to position 2 (easy-sync)

If the car isn't recognising the EKA code - it could be a dodgy lock microswitch - does the central locking respond when you use the key in the door lock - if it does the microswitch is probably OK, if it doesn't this could indicate a duff microswitch which won't transmit the EKA code to the BeCM....

The only other option is to get it on a diagnostic device to resync or use a syncmate to see if it is the BeCM to Engine ECU sync problem....

With the very greatest respect and with no malice of forthought, but a majority did suggest getting keys from the dealer only....but we all live and learn....lets try and get your car started using the one good key you do have!

Thanks, no it's flashing it's lights etc when putting the eka code in. The thing that has stumped me is the original key is now lighting up but not doing anything. I'll try the resync tomorrow. As for the main dealer route, yes agreed, but thought I'd give a go, nothing ventured nothing gained :) I'm still convinced it's the car, rather than the key as my original key won't work either :(
Thanks for your help with this,
With the very greatest respect and with no malice of forthought, but a majority did suggest getting keys from the dealer only....but we all live and learn....lets try and get your car started using the one good key you do have!


Also, ta muchy for being Guinea Pig :) Worth a shot, hope you get your money back.
From RAVE -

A handset may be resynchronised by performing a
key lock, or unlock, on either front door within 30
seconds of performing a remote lock, superlock, or
unlock function. The BeCM uses the change of state
of the CDL Switch to initiate resynchronisation.

Try to sync the keys as above first, if the C/L then responds to the remote unlock/lock command....try the EKA again.

If the EKA Fails - time to get it on a computer to resync or a Syncmate if indeed it is a BeCM/ECU sync issue...
Mmm, well my key turned up and doesn't work! But they did get my other key to power up! The problem I have now is, the lovely range rover won't even accept, the eka code (which worked before) any suggestions? All I get is 'engine disabled' I don't think it is key end, I think it is car end. Cheers

Sorry to hear you still have issues.I can say that I brought two of those remote fobs from that company .with me when I came to SA in July.They were for a friends P38 which he brought with him when he emigrated to SA.They both worked on his RR.

Did your original RR fob work ever.I believe they clone your original to code the ones they supply.I presume you have followed the resync instructions they send with the fob.I suggest you call them and they maybe able to help you over the phone.
The remotes however will not resync if your vehicle is in an alarmed state.I think you need to have the EKA code entered successfully.If it worked before then you should have the correct code.Do not try to enter the EKA code with the message "Key code lockout" displayed on the message centre.Wait until this message clears.)can take up to 30minutes,depending on which model year).
If you persist in trying while this message is displayed,the BECM may go into lock out mode.If this has happened then the BECM will need to be removed,unlocked and reset by someone with the correct equipment.Note: LR dealerships do not have this equipment.

If you do not have "key code lockout" displayed then the doorlock microswitch may be faulty.
From RAVE -

Try to sync the keys as above first, if the C/L then responds to the remote unlock/lock command....try the EKA again.

If the EKA Fails - time to get it on a computer to resync or a Syncmate if indeed it is a BeCM/ECU sync issue...

Not likely to be a sync issue if the message centre displays "engine disabled"

Successful EKA entry needed before fobs will resync?
If the new FOB is a clone of the LR FOB, it's use will disable the original FOB, you cannot have 2 FOB's with the same code. Thus LR FOB's are numbered 1, 2, & 3.
If the new FOB is a clone of the LR FOB, it's use will disable the original FOB, you cannot have 2 FOB's with the same code. Thus LR FOB's are numbered 1, 2, & 3.

You can have two fobs with the same number,however only one can be in sync at a time.
FFS that is what I said:rolleyes:

Probably in your mind thats what you meant,but for someone new to the P38 with little knowledge thereof ,it probably sounded as the original FOB would be Permanently disabled.I was just trying to make it clear.No need for sarcasm.:D
Hi, I went to order a key for my P38 yesterday and after 10 minutes was told that RR no longer do keys 3 or 4 ?

I have one that works and one which is in bits. I assume I have key 1 and 2.

My problem is which one to order 1 or 2 as I have a 50/50 change of getting the wrong one.

Apparently the dealer is looking into this as they have only just found this out themselves.

Any Idea’s (they are £148 inc)

The website were £148? That's pretty much the same as the main dealer price, I think!

You can have two fobs with the same number,however only one can be in sync at a time.

Thanks for the clarification. It does sounds like it might be a reasonable buckup device though. I only have 1 key!

Hi All,
The EKA code (which I have used before) will now not go into the vehicle! Is there any reason for this?

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