Peeps tend to knock the Freelander. When belittling somefink yer generally refer to it as effeminate or gay. Hence the name ***lander.

Years ago tratterers picked on Freelander's for their occasional faults. What they were really doing was pushing the price down so they could buy one themself's, many years later.
Peeps tend to knock the Freelander. When belittling somefink yer generally refer to it as effeminate or gay. Hence the name ***lander.

Years ago tratterers picked on Freelander's for their occasional faults. What they were really doing was pushing the price down so they could buy one themself's, many years later.
I think Freelander owners invented the term themselves.

So when they posted on forums they got a bit of entertaining banter, take their minds off their doors falling off. :D

Only Joking. Merry Christmas Freelanderers! :)

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