
Active Member
As thread title really?

Gutted for everyone who has had a Landy nicked. Paranoid about mine and at the moment remove the steering wheel, lock the clutch and have a tracker. Would be nice to hear the odd success story about getting one back but I dont see any!:doh:

My theory is deter the opportunist but safely track and recover from the professional. Well its a theory!
There has been one or two, but, they are very very rare sadly
I got mine back after it was taken from my drive overnight. It was missing 2 weeks and was found abandoned in a hedge (in same village as huge traveller camp) about 80 miles up the M4.
I was lucky, apart from the shocking paint job and some 6 inch nails in the tyres it was mechanically undamaged.
Insurance wrote it off, I bought it back and was actually quids in and its still chugging along 2 years later complete with Disclock and clutch claw!!!
Sadly it doesn't happen very often.
no. nearly 2 years later and nothing.
disclocks and clutchclaws are useless if they are lifting them onto the back of a wagon like mine
Anyone with a tracker get a car back?

I did after 2 weeks, Stolen in Leeds, found in a container in Hull, think the police had a good Idea something was going on as they where watching the docks and that's probably how they found it! Wasn't a Landy tho ..................
sounds like i was even luckier than i thought!
mine was stolen the week after i bought it. police recovered it 2 days later abandoned in speke (anyone who knows liverpool wont be suprised). they pulled out the rubbers on the rear windows and got in that way, leaned in and unlocked the rear door. needless to say it is now covered in security features.
it has suffered another attempted theft where they cut through the steering wheel to remove the wheel lock and then buggered off for some reason. didnt do any damage other that that. didnt mind that one too much cos i wanted a momo wheel anyway and needed an excuse to shell out the £.
sounds like i was even luckier than i thought!
mine was stolen the week after i bought it. police recovered it 2 days later abandoned in speke (anyone who knows liverpool wont be suprised). they pulled out the rubbers on the rear windows and got in that way, leaned in and unlocked the rear door. needless to say it is now covered in security features.
it has suffered another attempted theft where they cut through the steering wheel to remove the wheel lock and then buggered off for some reason. didnt do any damage other that that. didnt mind that one too much cos i wanted a momo wheel anyway and needed an excuse to shell out the £.

where abouts do you live?

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