
Active Member
As the tittle says, has anyone on this forum actually built a Re-Discovery? I've found a thread who's last post said that they were going to start and then there was nothing. And that was posted in 2008. I know Simmonites built one powered by a 4.6 V8 but there doesn't seem to be much else on the web. A few forums have given a rough outline, so I might just have to go for it and then inform you all later!

a rebuild? yes im doing one. might have been my post i started over a year ago so far lifted body off, and started to strip engine. then more kids etc came hoping to get into it this summer. but now going with 300tdi rather than the v8 sadly
So what is this Re-Discovery malarkey all about, changing a few body panels or is it a lot more involved. I know the chassis is pretty much the same, just wondering the reason why, or is it just a project to do because you can?
rangie with disco body aft of bulkhead.

or disco with rangie engine and front end.

seems a huge amount of work to get something a bid weird.
Now that is a nice looking beastie!

The one in the first picture seems a bit weird as correct me if I'm wrong but there isn't any point putting a RRC engine in a Disco.
So in essence you end up with a Disco with RRC front wings, bonnet and grill etc
I'm guessing that isn't just a un bolt the old and bolt on new stuff type job.
Saw that one around Denholme, not far from Simmi's a few years back. Prefer it the other way round. Now has anyone got an old Rangie ... ? And a tub of orange paint:D
I think it just must be the angle, coz the red/maroon one looks a bit chunky.

The difference in the 'look' of the two identical vehicles is simply caused by the focal length of the lens on the camera that was used to take the picture combined with the camera/object distance. Longer focal length lenses will appear to compress or foreshorten a scene. The further red Disco appears closer to the Disco in the foreground because this was taken from a distance using a longer focal length lens.

In contrast, the blue Disco appears to have a longer bonnet and shorter rear body, a result of the picture being taken using a wider angle lens at closer range.

Photography lesson over ... :D
I also like the wider tires on it and the fact that there isn't side steps, extra lights etc, just simple :D
Anyone know why all Re-Discoverys seem to have their roof bars taken off?

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