
Well-Known Member
Anyone going, I have seen a lot of posts about the ones in the South but not much about this :confused:

Is it worth going?
I'm going, ones at Driffield were always a good day out so should imagine it'll be more of the same
Ill be there sue, and I'm taking the dogs, proberbly not in the Landy as I'm going to take it apart 2night to see what's up with it,
used to be at Driffield - went a few years. both times it was small, poorly attended, not many stands or breakers, or interesting stuff going on, no intention to go to one again up that way
I'm going, Always used to go to Driffield so curious about the new venue. I always though the Driffield show good, good location too for those further north. Hopefully will be a fine weekend as I'm camping.
used to be at Driffield - went a few years. both times it was small, poorly attended, not many stands or breakers, or interesting stuff going on, no intention to go to one again up that way

I went to Driffield last year and it was packed
Not heard owt about it but might go now :)


1st time its been at hgate, il be there.

Good venue too, I like the Great Yorkshire ground

Ill be there sue, and I'm taking the dogs, proberbly not in the Landy as I'm going to take it apart 2night to see what's up with it,

As long as you fix it before July :D:D

used to be at Driffield - went a few years. both times it was small, poorly attended, not many stands or breakers, or interesting stuff going on, no intention to go to one again up that way

:eek::eek: Did we let you into Yorkshire :D:D

So seriously which is better Saturday or Sunday. Wonder if there will be any items from my shopping list there :):)
Will this be worth going to?
I've done my fair share of car shows, but nothing 4x4 off road type stuff.
Don't want to turn up and see an empty field

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Glad I spotted this thread, only had my Landy for a few weeks and already have a shopping list of parts I want, and its always fun to look around other folks mods to get inspiration. :)
Anyone going, I have seen a lot of posts about the ones in the South but not much about this :confused:

Is it worth going? means leaving my beloved lancashire and going into the york****e no one will insure me for travelling to such dangerous and hostile places such as your****e.:p:D
Looking at the forcast it looks like rain Saturday and sunny Sunday so may be there on the Sunday (so will probably rain Sunday now) ;)

The only thing is it means heeding souf ..... I don't like the souf ....... they speek a funny lingo doon there.;)

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