
New Member
iv decided to go for racing seats and harneses in my series 3 with a truck cab please can someone tell me how to mount the harnses and seats.

i hope to eventaly have a roll bar/ cage but i dont have one at the moment.

The mounting point for the shoulder strap must be 45 degree or greater from the seat back. Horizontially behind you is the best way.

For a truck cab you will have to make a letter box opening in the rear of the cab and run the harness thru that. Makes sure that there is some sort of 'padding' in the opening to protect the harness.

Personally I would get the cage first and use a brace between the two rear stays of the cage as the harness mounts.

This picture shows the ideal situation.


For seat mounting, I would build a box section frame of the same dimension of the standard seat box and add 'runners' into the frame for the mounting of the seat. You can then clad the frame in thin sheet ally to retain that 'hose out interior' :)
Hi. Found this gem on a search,as I was looking at putting harnesses in my 90 Truck cab,already have recaro's in there.

Is your diagram a legal requirement ?

I was thinking of putting a large eye bolt on the floor behind the seat,properly braced from underneath.. Would this work ?
Is your diagram a legal requirement ?

Not sure about MOT issues, but that diagram is the MSA approved way.

The reason for the shoulder part of the harness being mounted that high is because in the event of an accident your weight will pull on the belt and it will try and take the shortest route forward, which in turn will cause the seat back to fold up behind you. Note that the shoulder part of a normal car belt is mounted above you for the same reason.

It generally depends on what you intend to use the LR for, but I would strongly suggest building to the higher spec/standard rather then what is convenient particularly with respect to safety issues.

Hope that helps.
Ah....Thank you. Hadn't really realised the theory behind it. Makes a lot of sense and I wont be doing it my way ! Looks like I'll have to buy me a cage :D
a big bolt going through your chassis at the back of your tub might give you a goon enough angle but then you have rope going across your tub:(

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