Its not a special school i don't do GCSE's in yr9 in yr10 n u r a bunch of really nice people i just come on and ask for some friendly advice but you just turned it nasty. I am not going to be using this forum in the future. Thanks all for putting me off.

Its not a special school i don't do GCSE's in yr9 in yr10 n u r a bunch of really nice people i just come on and ask for some friendly advice but you just turned it nasty. I am not going to be using this forum in the future. Thanks all for putting me off.


see you later ****y pants :)
Its not a special school i don't do GCSE's in yr9 in yr10 n u r a bunch of really nice people i just come on and ask for some friendly advice but you just turned it nasty. I am not going to be using this forum in the future. Thanks all for putting me off.

Hey Max,,, hows yir teeth,,,,,,
you'd have thought he would have looked through the forum before signing up surely, you only need look at the first couple o freds in "anything goes" to think " you know what i'm 13 i like looking at the underwear section in the Grattans catalogue and playing Sonic, and girls aloud " i think i'll leave all this man talk to those grown up fellas, beside i can't type properly because me hands are fookin bleeding " mummy wheres the bandaid" :D :D
To ****in true, i'd still be doin it the ****er now if the wife hadn't stopped using the bastid, but we have the NEXT book now , slightly more upmarket totty..... :D :D
To ****in true, i'd still be doin it the ****er now if the wife hadn't stopped using the bastid, but we have the NEXT book now , slightly more upmarket totty..... :D :D
Yeh,,,,, ann summers dae some revelin stuff anol,,:D :D trouble is that dorris keeps thinkin shes gettin summat,,,
you'd have thought he would have looked through the forum before signing up surely, you only need look at the first couple o freds in "anything goes" to think " you know what i'm 13 i like looking at the underwear section in the Grattans catalogue and playing Sonic, and girls aloud " i think i'll leave all this man talk to those grown up fellas, beside i can't type properly because me hands are fookin bleeding " mummy wheres the bandaid" :D :D

maybe he only read a few posts from the stupid ****wits that seem ter have taken over the forum lately :D:D:D
Maybe he saw there were people mentioning "grooming school boys" :eek: and thought "**** that i'm safer wi me fookin A*+ grades " or whatever he fookin had.... :D
To ****in true, i'd still be doin it the ****er now if the wife hadn't stopped using the bastid, but we have the NEXT book now , slightly more upmarket totty..... :D :D

yer wanna try that french ****er, redoutte or summat like that, **** me, thems hot ;)
It were good just rippin page out when y'ad finished "LOOKIN" at the pictures, no one ever knew.........:eek:

Just me there then?............ :D

I were only 13 ffs i thought everyone did it that way...........:confused: :D
yer wanna try that french ****er, redoutte or summat like that, **** me, thems hot ;)

Me wife has that i now think about , and she has just fooked off swimmin........ ;)

Back in minute, i think i hear me car alarm ganin ......... :D

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