
New Member
Hi guys, hope you can help with this, 1998 2.0 diesel freelander
driving fine, parked up overnight next morning clutch pedal was then hard to push down goes into gear, let clutch up and she goes nowhere ! no noise, thuds, bangs or anything.
been told possibly the master cyl / slave cylinder combo may be the problem

Any thoughts will be very much appreciated.....clean answers only please!!!

Thanks in advance
with the engine off, can you easily select gears? Or is it still difficult?

Then... try selecting a gear WITHOUT pressing the clutch, and the engine on. I'm thinking there's an incredibly small chance the slave cylinder is stuck fully extended, effectively holding the clutch down. And trying to use the pedal, is trying to extend an already fully extended piston....
with the engine off, can you easily select gears? Or is it still difficult?

Then... try selecting a gear WITHOUT pressing the clutch, and the engine on. I'm thinking there's an incredibly small chance the slave cylinder is stuck fully extended, effectively holding the clutch down. And trying to use the pedal, is trying to extend an already fully extended piston....

This ^^^^ ;)
Funny how peeps come here, take the time and trouble to register, post a question which some decent folks take the trouble to answer then you don't hear from them again. :mad:

Makes you think maybe newly registered peeps should have a minimum of two or three days before they can post here. Might stop the casual posters.

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