
No longer with us, RIP
Happy Yule to all you pagans out there. The Sun is reborn let the celebrations begin.
Happy Yule to all you pagans out there. The Sun is reborn let the celebrations begin.

I was going to slaughter a few virgins on the alter this year...... can I find just one??

Happy days m8 have a good'un
I was going to slaughter a few virgins on the alter this year...... can I find just one??

Happy days m8 have a good'un

Hard to find these days, the suicide bombers have first call on them apparently. Have a good hols mate. :):)
As a cousin from across the pond may I say Happy Holidays one and all!
Thanks for all the info, banter and the refreshing Golden Showers.
Happy Yule Tony, Yule (you'll) have a good laugh at this one I think

Best wishes to you and yours for Yuletide and Samhain

Yeah you have a good one too Bill. Really is a shame that people can be so brainwashed by religion that they will do things like that. You have in a way to feel sorry for them. All those lives being wasted in the name of someone who does not exist is plain stupid. Sermon over.
Yuletide Falicitations to you and yours Tony.

May the New Year bring us good fortune, fair winds and calm seas....

Merry Crimbo All....

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