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Not quite right but not far off, Howardo. I came in and posted on this thread because I had just got back from an excellent weekend with Protrax who could not have acted more respectfully if they tried and operated in a group of 6. This thread was very anti-Protrax for some reason and I thought it needed contesting. After that there was a vast amount of hearsay but no real evidence to contest what I was saying.

Lucky for you that you don't drive a Freelander aswell, they'd have hunted you down and lynched you by now:D

Keeping the thread alive
Nathan - you keep saying I'm a troll. Why? Point to the evidence please.

"Troll," in the context of message boards and the like, describes somebody who is posting just to be confrontational or to raise hackles. He wants to **** people off. He is a troll.
So One question,
Did Protax ask you if you already had or to fit rated recovery points mabe they fitted some before you left? If they took you out without such items they are not as you say responsible but clearly lacking any clue. Not knowing Protrax myself I cannot comment but having seen many other groups that charge Most of them are Cuunts just ripping you off and one group even left one of the paying customers on a mountainside alone.
"Troll," in the context of message boards and the like, describes somebody who is posting just to be confrontational or to raise hackles. He wants to **** people off. He is a troll.

You've misunderstood. Quite fundamentally. I did come in here to contest what was being said because I thought it needed to be corrected as it gave a bad impression of something that worked really well (even if you guys don't care to pay for this kind of thing). I did not come in here to raise anyone's hackles though even though I now know that the word "horse****" was over the top.

People have been ****ed off because they don't comprehend that a stranger can come into a forum full of mates and have a decent disagreement. You'll note that I haven't sworn at anyone once (despite forays into sarcasm in the name of giving as good as I got).

Hope you got all that Nathan. No trolling here. Just sensible, empassioned debate.
But I stress again I do not know Protrax at all so mabe they had insurance, recovery points on all vehicles and some idea. Probably not tho from what others on ere ave been saying.
So One question,
Did Protax ask you if you already had or to fit rated recovery points mabe they fitted some before you left?

Yes, the specifically asked this and, if memory served, recommended ropes and rated shackles. The joining instructions were pretty good. None were needed on the day though. The cars were excellent and the the weather was dry.
But I stress again I do not know Protrax at all so mabe they had insurance, recovery points on all vehicles and some idea. Probably not tho from what others on ere ave been saying.

if they regularly take groups of 18 out they can probably afford to have a chinnock stood by in case of someone getting properly stuck
Lucky for you that you don't drive a Freelander aswell, they'd have hunted you down and lynched you by now:D

Keeping the thread alive

I must declare my hand : I quite like Freelanders! However, there's no way one would have got near the end of Happy Valley! The 110 performed like a dream though.
Well I am a bit jelious, Being purely buisnes minded I wish I had thought of doing that. Its serious money. Well If they acted responsibly then I can say nothing although 18 vehicles is stupid and really quite irresponsible. 6 max is my own personal limit others have their own and some stick to GLASS reccomendations. If they have been out and about with 18 vehicles then they are Cuunts if they stick to a more sensible limit say 5 or 6 then good luck to them. I will never pay to go greenlaning ever the government get enough from my road tax. I can read a map and get out of most sticky situations if need be and more importantly I know where not to go.
Well I am a bit jelious, Being purely buisnes minded I wish I had thought of doing that. Its serious money. Well If they acted responsibly then I can say nothing although 18 vehicles is stupid and really quite irresponsible. 6 max is my own personal limit others have their own and some stick to GLASS reccomendations. If they have been out and about with 18 vehicles then they are Cuunts if they stick to a more sensible limit say 5 or 6 then good luck to them. I will never pay to go greenlaning ever the government get enough from my road tax. I can read a map and get out of most sticky situations if need be and more importantly I know where not to go.

i'm with you on the never paying to greenlane as i too can read a map and using common sense you can overcome most problems
Well I am a bit jelious, Being purely buisnes minded I wish I had thought of doing that. Its serious money. Well If they acted responsibly then I can say nothing although 18 vehicles is stupid and really quite irresponsible. 6 max is my own personal limit others have their own and some stick to GLASS reccomendations. If they have been out and about with 18 vehicles then they are Cuunts if they stick to a more sensible limit say 5 or 6 then good luck to them.

its only serious money if you take 18 vehicles. 5 paying vehicles will barely cover your diesel for the weekend and thats coming from Bristol... I hve looked into it.

James I would seriously reccommend you to get friendly with some local LZ members in your area go greenlaning or depending where abouts you are come out with the Herts laners when we are out and about. Please be careful who you do go around with there are so many people that ignore stuff that should be considered when laning. There are also alot of Cuunts out there that will tell you all sorts about what you need when laning. All you need is rated recovery points front and back, a decent rope (not strop IMO), a fully maintained vehicle and somone else to go with you with the same. Many other people will tell you that you need huge tyres lift kits all that bollix they are usually the guys that never fulfil the above requirements as their vehicles are never maintained and are always doing silly stuff on the lanes. Just my opinion. Not to say that people with afor mentioned lift kits etc are all twots they are not but people telling you that you Need that stuff for greenlaning really does have no idea.
Well I am a bit jelious, Being purely buisnes minded I wish I had thought of doing that. Its serious money. Well If they acted responsibly then I can say nothing although 18 vehicles is stupid and really quite irresponsible. 6 max is my own personal limit others have their own and some stick to GLASS reccomendations. If they have been out and about with 18 vehicles then they are Cuunts if they stick to a more sensible limit say 5 or 6 then good luck to them. I will never pay to go greenlaning ever the government get enough from my road tax. I can read a map and get out of most sticky situations if need be and more importantly I know where not to go.

I would say there is plenty of space in the market for people that did want to set up something like this. I liked it because I am not overly confident of finding and researching a decent greenlane and, even if I was, I just don't have the time not do I live in an area where there are many decent greenlanes. Therefore, for someone else to follow and to help me get out of being stuck, £55 was a bargain. We are all different though.
James I would seriously reccommend you to get friendly with some local LZ members in your area go greenlaning or depending where abouts you are come out with the Herts laners when we are out and about. Please be careful who you do go around with there are so many people that ignore stuff that should be considered when laning. There are also alot of Cuunts out there that will tell you all sorts about what you need when laning. All you need is rated recovery points front and back, a decent rope (not strop IMO), a fully maintained vehicle and somone else to go with you with the same. Many other people will tell you that you need huge tyres lift kits all that bollix they are usually the guys that never fulfil the above requirements as their vehicles are never maintained and are always doing silly stuff on the lanes. Just my opinion. Not to say that people with afor mentioned lift kits etc are all twots they are not but people telling you that you Need that stuff for greenlaning really does have no idea.

Thanks very much. I might do that.
James I have not read the previous posts ( I really cannot be arsed to troll through it) haha (Sad) anyways Where abouts are you based? I dont want your address but an area/County may be handy. Are you going to the London 2 Brighton run? I do not think you are a Twot I do think you should come out and have a go so you could save yourself £55 next time tho
Oh it was Vince Cobbleys lot No they R idiots!
Offer still stands tho we are happy to take you out.

Many moons ago I saw him ditch a new Disco 01 in a river almost on its side in Wales trying to er show us what it could (n't) do. If Ii remember that was just off piste aswell, but that was some time ago. Oh to be affiliated to a magazine as an Eggspurt. Aye!
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